DoW 2 Insomniacs DoW2I
DoW 2 Insomniacs DoW2I
17 листопада 2009 р.
United States 
Коментарів: 140
Crab_2015 @ Wanna weta 10 лют. 2015 о 6:52 
Hey look, I'ts February and mine TS 49 was reset and there no more True Skill T_T :meatytears:
RealityCh3ck 10 серп. 2011 о 11:20 
hey look, it's august
Lothlar 6 груд. 2010 о 17:42 
Oh and I actually checked the clan forums the other day (due to a spam email) and we have over 200k users, problem is its all spam bot lol. That place is a lethal hive now.
Max Power 10 верес. 2010 о 9:07 
kk, will do pred, will do
am|Predator 8 верес. 2010 о 13:12 
I think it's a ghost town, I have seen 4 people max playing DoW2 in the past couple of months. Anyway out there ever wants a game let me know.
Lothlar 3 верес. 2010 о 12:59 

Looks like a 3v3 tournament thingy is shapping up, some serious contenders have put down already (FoG). Thoughts people or is this place a ghost town?
Witch Elf 27 черв. 2010 о 1:21 
Could you guys add me, Woodland Guard. I need some team mates :)
All Rank 60 21 черв. 2010 о 4:58 
Done and done
Archimedes 20 черв. 2010 о 9:41 
So Slander Arai just sent me a link to a phishing website. If any of you get a link requesting username and password, ignore it. I say he should be kicked from group for this.
am|Flea 6 черв. 2010 о 23:23 
Nah hes good. They just don't like the fact that they lose their base thats all
FoGSHARPSHOOT 6 черв. 2010 о 21:28 
seventh sl isnt that bad of an eldar player
am|Flea 5 черв. 2010 о 1:47 
Yeah he does. He makes a single comment and all of a sudden the post is about how ♥♥♥♥ he is because he base rapes.
Lothlar 4 черв. 2010 о 23:07 
Does 7th even read GR?
All Rank 60 4 черв. 2010 о 9:59 
Where is 7th? Someone called him a "bad Eldar player".
All Rank 60 4 черв. 2010 о 9:58 
Don't you know? It is a capping game! Get out there and CAP!
am|Predator 4 черв. 2010 о 5:50 
I dunno, maybe cause people still pissed their bases disappeared
am|Flea 4 черв. 2010 о 0:34 
Why does 7th always get bagged on gr?
All Rank 60 26 трав. 2010 о 22:18 
Bad Cymran. Bob Ross and his 2 inch brush have invaded my PC.
am|Predator 21 трав. 2010 о 17:47 
Who here has Starcraft 2? Just looking for anyone that interested in playing. They have released a patch today that unlocked 3v3 and 4v4 so would be good to get some teams going. Server lock makes it hard but anyone in South East Asia that is looking for a game is welcome to message me. I'm in the gold league for 2v2.
All Rank 60 17 трав. 2010 о 14:31 
What i do is just play the OP race.
Zymran 16 трав. 2010 о 18:37 
been playing sc2 beta for some weeks now. its not all that exciting, basically sc1 with WoW graphics. while dow2 might not be that well balanced its a lot more fun to play for me
Sp4c3 M4r1n3 15 трав. 2010 о 10:28 
well, for me it's obvious that relic balance team = dow2 nerds ( nid/eldar/chaos players with ts 38+ ). They change the game in the way they like to keep their domination in 1/1 games.
Apo was the only sm hero that could stand a chance in 1/1 against nid/chaos/eldar nerds, well no more.
Also chaos is imba as it was so nerds can keepo winning in cups and tournaments
am|Predator 13 трав. 2010 о 0:51 
It's true, policy over at Relic is that they let monkey's from deep within the jungle balance their games. It allows for more surprises. Mass retreat to SC2 was always going to happen but I think someone at Blizzard may be paying the balance monkeys to ruin DoW2 as much as possible so that there is no competition. I think I will always enjoy the play style of DoW2 more than the usual RTS stuff but the game is just too broken in it's current form. Sad, but I will be jumping ship as soon as my SC2 beta email arrives.
DoomsDave 12 трав. 2010 о 14:22 
i preordered sc2 yesterday so i could get the beta key but they still havent sent it to me yet arghhhh. so tired of playing against stupid chaos abuse i want to play sc2 :(

dow2 will never be balanced because after seeing that nid bug its pretty clear relic dont even play their game to test the balance.
All Rank 60 12 трав. 2010 о 10:42 
Sorceror exploits still here. They seriously gotta fix it. cuz i am making too many new "friends" when i play on certain maps. i doubt ill like sc2 as much as dow2 but i feel that blizzard has a better track record for patching and balance and lack of bugs. yes 10k hp hormas.
Sp4c3 M4r1n3 12 трав. 2010 о 10:37 
Man. Force cummander is a big joke, only TM looks fun but again, no asm = u can sign out when u see eldar with ts 30+.
I smell mass retreat to sc2 when it comes out, relick gays won't fix this game soon -.-
DoomsDave 11 трав. 2010 о 10:07 
phew - 2.2.2 comes out tonight and fixes the nid stupidness
DoomsDave 11 трав. 2010 о 10:00 
in team games just go 3 nids each build 3 hormas 1 warrior - all blob up and as soon as t2 hits youve got 9 hormas each with around 3000hp - take that chaos! finally a counter to dark flames and blight nade :P
FiJoa 11 трав. 2010 о 0:08 
solution : dunt play Apo and go with Force Com, lol . Force com for life !!
All Rank 60 9 трав. 2010 о 20:28 
O well chaos sorceror abuse not fixt. Use chaos to TS Up Up! 8 pop 210 req 8 model units ftw.
All Rank 60 9 трав. 2010 о 20:27 
Personally i like the rifle on the apo. Heal range nerf will hurt a lil since u will have to get closer to meele units to heal and since u have no axe till T2.... meh....
Lothlar 9 трав. 2010 о 5:36 
I didn't forget that at all that's relics intention - they want asm's to work similarly for all 3 commanders then they can accurately decide exactly what to do with them. Atm they suck with FC and TM and Apoth buffs them into crazy land so scale back the crazy and see where they fit.
Sp4c3 M4r1n3 8 трав. 2010 о 23:46 
You forgot that removing Apo axe from T1 = no heal = asm can only jump and retreat = gg for eldar
Lothlar 8 трав. 2010 о 23:00 
I think what they're doing is a faction by faction overhaul. The Relic idea is SM is the baseline so they're trying to bring Apoth on par with the other commanders this patch so next patch they can bring the rest of the SM army in line next patch.

This patch redesigned nids, orks got a little bit touched up but token gesture, Eldar got t1 nerfed (because SM can't deal with it) and chaos didn't get touched (because SM don't have problems with it). Next patch they'll prob fatten SM t2/3, Eldar t3, a bit more ork and a minor touch to chaos. Patch 3 will be heavy chaos.
am|Predator 8 трав. 2010 о 15:39 
It is most amusing. It doesn't take much effort to look at the leaderboards, watch some replays and test the things yourself. Sometimes I wonder if the balance testers even check some things. How was the Ork Trukk in need of a nerf more than tzcsm? The range nerf on the Apo doesn't even really fix the problem that exists with Apo and ASM. Oh well, SC2 out soon.
DoomsDave 8 трав. 2010 о 6:28 
after should read before
DoomsDave 8 трав. 2010 о 6:27 
i still cant believe they prioritiesed nerfing the apo after Mr.abuse aka the sorceror. The idea that subjugate is fixed now that it doesnt work on retreat is laughable
am|Predator 7 трав. 2010 о 12:51 
Yeah I agree, it feels like 2/3 of the patch notes are missing. If it didn't mention any chaos stuff at all I would have thought they might have a had a seperate section for chaos notes, but alas they does not seem to be the case. Hope the next patch comes out quickier than this one.
Lothlar 7 трав. 2010 о 8:00 
Where's my plague marine nerf! I was a bit disapointed, feels like part one of 3 part patch - it makes little sense on its own.
am|Predator 6 трав. 2010 о 16:18 
Yeah Orks didn't get any where near the help they needed. Good to see tacs got the reselection of wargear option. A little annoyed that Chaos didn't really get much altered. They wanted to take small steps, I can live with that. No steps is kind of stupid though.
DoomsDave 5 трав. 2010 о 16:07 
apo got nerfs too! even orks got a big truk nerf. chaos seem like they only got tweaked slightly and no substantial hero nerfs (hurray for rift abuse and curse on retreat :/)
All Rank 60 4 трав. 2010 о 19:29 
Mekboy gets a bigga shoota. Too little too late :(
All Rank 60 4 трав. 2010 о 19:29 
Yea sad. Also, thank god they gonna nerf the HT invul and crush claws. Hate losing walkers/VPs to a hero u cannot stop knockback or suppress.
DoomsDave 4 трав. 2010 о 17:15 
too bad they are nerfing heretic doom blast from damage to supression :D
All Rank 60 4 трав. 2010 о 17:08 
This is why I play CSM, I don't have to rely entirely on a lesser unit for a greater unit's survival, because CSM tacs have a kick-ass melee upgrade and if some insolent pissant dares to send melee at my vanilla CSM, then I can totally waste em with jihad Heretics, as opposed to just holding them back. - Carnispore - DoW 2 Forums
All Rank 60 4 трав. 2010 о 17:05 
All Rank 60 4 трав. 2010 о 17:05 
OMG OMG OMG Dawn of MIght GOGOGOGO. Also have not played with u in AGES Chillsta. Makes me sad :(