De Geso Ika Musume
De Geso Ika Musume
7 December, 2010
Doug Norm 28 May, 2014 @ 1:25pm 
Qpax ツ 12 Aug, 2011 @ 9:40am 
I would find with that rule de geso~
Xtrem 8 Aug, 2011 @ 5:34am 
thankies dears , i am sorry that i wasn't at ur expectations , but i am still trying ;)

how about a rule for the group : all ur posts should end with De geso :P what do u think ?

Qpax ツ 6 Aug, 2011 @ 7:07pm 
Wellcome back <3~!
Xtrem 2 Aug, 2011 @ 4:52pm 
i am back :)
i had a work on a fly didnt have time to do anything not even pack a bag
nice to cya all :D
Xtrem 11 Jun, 2011 @ 2:47am 
Congrats , u're the player of the week ^^ , and the new officer , what u've done is more than enough , i didnt ask for proof yet u gave a solid one ^^
FAPtastic 8 Jun, 2011 @ 10:21am 
i love ika de geso
FAPtastic 8 Jun, 2011 @ 10:21am 
make me admin
FAPtastic 8 Jun, 2011 @ 9:17am 
Ryan 3 May, 2011 @ 1:51pm 
Thanks I guess.
Xtrem 29 Apr, 2011 @ 9:58am 
@qpax Poor ika chan ><
Xtrem 31 Mar, 2011 @ 9:16am 
just few more steps and i'll have the minecraft server ready , if anyone interrested in trying this game , i have few accounts i can let u use
combine 23 Mar, 2011 @ 9:50am 
I like to eat them ^-^
Xtrem 28 Feb, 2011 @ 10:53pm 
me , i dont know how squids smell like :|
✪::KING CADI::✪ 27 Feb, 2011 @ 2:47am 
heeey friends it's my birthday today <333
RIO 26 Feb, 2011 @ 4:06pm 
RIO 26 Feb, 2011 @ 3:55pm 
Xtrem 24 Feb, 2011 @ 11:43am 
Germany situation with ika musume
Xtrem 19 Jan, 2011 @ 4:35am 
Xtrem 14 Jan, 2011 @ 9:25am 
guys someone stole my steam account and i got it back , if such thing happens to u , u can change u password and kick him out , but please warn ur friends and post the link on google phishing , and on steam forums
Xtrem 14 Jan, 2011 @ 3:34am 
so the guys on the forum mentioned that there no info about angel beats licensed in US , but if u want dubes there are some unofficial ones , imo try the japanese version , Hanazawa kana's voice is superb
CookiesandCream 12 Jan, 2011 @ 9:43am 
I finished Angel Beats a few weeks ago. I have to say, it is a great anime to watch :). The comedy in it is great haha
Xtrem 12 Jan, 2011 @ 8:42am 
not sure , i'll check on the forums for ya ^^
besides , that show is awesome , the intro is the ringtone of my phone :)
CC-30180 10 Jan, 2011 @ 5:55pm 
any news on Angel Beats being licensed in the US yet?
Xtrem 9 Jan, 2011 @ 9:12am 
Soo , what new anime are u following ? people are tellimg me to watch gosick , how bout u guyz ^.^
Ryan 9 Jan, 2011 @ 3:10am 
Look at my profile pic you will ROFL!
Xtrem 7 Jan, 2011 @ 8:26am 
srsly! imo ika musume is the best funny anime so far
KUWABARA桑 6 Jan, 2011 @ 4:21pm 
Don't know why I was invited to this group, I never really liked the show itself, personally.
Xtrem 3 Jan, 2011 @ 10:56am 
i want season 2 too who else want it too
CINNAStixx 2 Jan, 2011 @ 11:44am 
O and De Geso~ is win in my opinion because i watched Ika not rozen maiden :p
CINNAStixx 2 Jan, 2011 @ 11:40am 
WHY WHY WHY DID IT HAVE TO END!.........season 2?
Xtrem 2 Jan, 2011 @ 9:36am 
link added , thanks for getting it ;)
Needole 2 Jan, 2011 @ 5:49am 
Shinryaku! Ika Musume =D
Z 1 Jan, 2011 @ 4:44pm 
aww i want a pet ika
Metal Symphogear 1 Jan, 2011 @ 3:03pm 
De geso
Xtrem 23 Dec, 2010 @ 9:31pm 
Merry xmas to all ^^
Psychonaut<FA> 15 Dec, 2010 @ 7:20am 
Xtrem 9 Dec, 2010 @ 3:01am 
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Xtrem 7 Dec, 2010 @ 4:11pm 
We need admin and officers anyone willing to volunteer