Do it for Jesus DI4J
Do it for Jesus DI4J
4 May, 2009
South Africa 
Sunrise 14 Apr, 2022 @ 3:43am 
Jesus and Jehovah (extended bible verses comparison)
saka 5 Jul, 2017 @ 1:17pm 
i like turtles
Big-Bad-Jon 18 Jan, 2010 @ 12:10pm 
i am new in this group
Smooth|†|¯ ☚(゚ヮ゚☚) 5 Oct, 2009 @ 7:11am 
All the praise and glory be unto Jesus our Saviour!! Amen \:D/
Duke 1 Oct, 2009 @ 5:34am 
I cannot begin to describe the pride I'm feeling in knowin that there are like minded gamers in South Africa.

All praise and glory be unto Jesus our Saviour!!
Mousey 21 Jul, 2009 @ 10:40am 
I ask all of my fellow brothers in Christ to earnestly bear in prayer with me, this which i ask of Jesus!
Mousey 21 Jul, 2009 @ 10:38am 
Jesus im asking unto Your holy name that you will make this group grow so You can use it to do Your will. Let those that do not see the truth become blinded by the truth itself. God will You lead us unto You through Your sovereign Grace. Jesus i ask that Your will be done and that execute Your wrath in all its exellence so mercy and grace may fall upon those that are blind to Your truth. God i pray that you will break the false image of You and lead all to the truth and make them realise that You are more real than life itself. In your holy name, Jesus Christ almighty, Amen.
Mousey 9 Jul, 2009 @ 2:16pm 
Thank you God for making me and for making me ME!!!! Praise be to You !!!
Mousey 9 Jul, 2009 @ 1:12pm 
Faith, i had a massive revelation the other night. First i was crying intensely with a feeling ive never had before. Then God spoke to me and said something and He made me laugh like nothing ive ever experienced before. God revealed His true self to me and in both cases it was so overwhelming that it left me in the very depths of joy and affliction. God is very real. He is alive and well and He will soon return for His children.
icecream 9 Jul, 2009 @ 12:42pm 
hehe... im so glad there are others out there who have such a deep down fire burning in their heart (mind, body, soul and spirit) for God! Im not quite sure i have a point of what this message intails, but i really just wanted to write something :D.

Lately a few of my buddies went on a important camp thing and you get to write letter for them. i.e i wrote letters that would be basicaly what i thought of them and what i felt God was saying to them through me. In each of those letters there was a love that God had for them (that He has for everysingle one of us) that i couldnt describe.
The best way i could tell a few of them was this:

Its an unexplainable love - imagine not being able to cry anymore or even breath or when you laugh so much it hurts - thats the type of longing God feels that YOU should know how much He loves YOU!
So i just feel like saying to who ever is reading this - even if you dont YET experience this relationship - that God LOVES YOU!
Mousey 4 Jul, 2009 @ 5:59am 
Well yes of course you need learn how to do things of your own. God is our Father, not some genie who just grants you everything you want. What would the point of a life like that be? One of the greatest things in life is the gift of self-discovery. Praise be to God for everything he has helped me with in my life.
jfast 3 Jul, 2009 @ 1:10pm 
I dont want to drag you down, but i learned to do something by your own: for exaple, if you dont study for a test, and you get a good mark, it wasnt god, it was luck. If you study damn hard and get a bad mark, it was bad luck.

but, if there is a god i imagine him like something very powefull and hard lightning
Mousey 3 Jul, 2009 @ 2:53am 
My personal image of God. Wow ok, ill try my best.. God is a being of UNFATHOMABLE beaty, infinite wisdom and he is made out of love. I dont imagine God as any kind of form, for He is EVERYTHING! Think about everything as a whole, the world, your cute little doggy, your best mate, your mom, the mountains, the oceans, the universe, the solar system and all the thought in your head. THEY ALL BELONG TO HIM. I see God as a being of light, so powerful, so bright that it blinds and destroys all sin! God can look like what he wants! BAsically he is the epitomy of everything that is NOT wicked. By my relationship with God i can see what He reveals to me in accordance to His will, but i can feel Him more than i can see Him. Can you see why its hard for me to explain ? haha. What i can tell you though is that i love Him with all my heart.
Smooth|†|¯ ☚(゚ヮ゚☚) 1 Jul, 2009 @ 3:45am 
This carries on from the comment below, please read that first.

At the bottom of the picture is you, about the size of an ant. You are Kneeling and also dressed in a white robe, all Around you are Heavinly beings and people deer to your heart with Musical Instraments playing for God. on the Right and left of the Thrown are hundreds and maybe even Thousands of what might look like little moths , but in Actuality they are Angels , Beautifull Majestic beings.

God lifts His Right hand and you see many of the Angel's on His right side look as if they are departing from the picture Most probably to Do the Will of God.

What i would do in your case Michelle [ Plaz ]

Be Blessed
Smooth|†|¯ ☚(゚ヮ゚☚) 1 Jul, 2009 @ 3:42am 
Well if i had that project in a Church class i would draw 2 Different Pictures.

1. Myself laying on my bed, and all i can muster myself to look at is the Sandle of the biggest leg you'v seen in your life standing in the doorway. this has allot of symbolism to it , as im sure you'l understand :D When we seek God he shows us what we need to see, and we feel not only protected but Jubilant , happyness beyond earthly words :D he stands in the Doorway of our lives, we have to pass him before we lead to another room , or even out of this one. Thus we always walk past God whenever we make a dicision. If we could Constantly see This in our life, Would we sin even 30% as much as we do now :D?

2.60% of the Picture is a Thrown, With God sitting on it, at the top of the page is his Shoulders , he is "dressed" in a what u could draw as a white robe but there is many layers around him which i could only describe as Love , Peace , Joy , Faith and so forth. TBC ->
Viriato - L2M 29 Jun, 2009 @ 2:41am 
oh oh and and i wana know whats your personal image of god :O ( what he looks like) i had to do something like that for my church class once and it was hard =/ never really thought about what he looks like in my mind but yea.
Viriato - L2M 28 Jun, 2009 @ 3:32pm 
lol krav i think we all prefer reading the posts and listening to you than sharing our problems. ima telling you become a priest or something man. even though ok nevermind.. >_< god bless :D
Mousey 17 Jun, 2009 @ 9:22am 
I walk with Jesus by my side, no man shall ever take me away from Him. Shine forth in all His GLORY!!
suki 17 Jun, 2009 @ 6:40am 
Mousey 6 Jun, 2009 @ 7:22am 
What would we be without Him :)
suki 6 Jun, 2009 @ 4:11am 
Mousey 4 Jun, 2009 @ 9:57am 
Holy Spirit, i pray that you fill us with Jesus and restore our broken lives- only You can save us, for you are the Saviour and noone else has the power! Dont rely on others to change you, for they are only human and only the salvation of God can restore and rejuvenate your life.
Mousey 1 Jun, 2009 @ 9:04am 
Please God!!! Please be with us through each day, right through it all! Even without a doubt in my heart that You are there, living in a sin-filled society, it fills my heart and my mind with doubting and lies even though my soul stays strong. Please God help me overcome my doubts, because with the absence of doubt comes desire! Make your presence felt to us right through the day and may you turn us into on-fire Christians! Thanks you Jesus for being forgiving, for I am weak. Forgvie all of our sins through your Loving grace, in Your name, Christ Almighty, Amen.
Mousey 1 Jun, 2009 @ 9:03am 
Please God!!! Please be with us through each day, right through it all! Even without a doubt in my mind that You are there, living in a sin-filled society, it fills my heart and my mind with doubting and lies even though my soul stays strong. Please God help me overcome my doubts, because with the absence of doubt comes desire! Make your presence felt to us right through the day and may you turn us into on-fire Christians! Thanks you Jesus for being forgiving, for I am weak. Forgvie all of our sins through your Loving grace, in Your name, Christ Almighty, Amen.
Mousey 27 May, 2009 @ 9:27am 
Well said matt, but may i just point out a few things. If you read the word carefully, He never said we should go to church. We ARE His church. Church was merely the old school way of having fellowship with others. God wants us to have FELLOWSHIP, not neccessarily to go to church. Personally, i dont like what modern churches preach, with a few exceptions of course. Personally, i go to cell group for fellowship each week and honestly i must say, the pastor there dellivers a much better message than ive ever heard in any church! Another thing, of course God wants us to pray, but not because it is "required" for the lack of a better expression. He wants us to have a relationship with Him, just as you would with anyone else you know. Personally, i talk to Him right through the day. I tell Him everything about my life. And yes, God tests us constantly, not to spite us, but to make us stronger.
suki 27 May, 2009 @ 1:43am 
what we want, and what we get.

Committing yourself to our lord Jesus Christ and perhaps being baptised in the holy spirit are just a few "AMAZING" things and commitments WE owe Jesus.
But the interesting thing?
its not about that. Jesus doesnt want us to owe him anything. ALL he wants is for us to follow in his name, read the word, go to church, but also LIVE for HIM and ONLY him!
where am I getting to?
Well. We get baptised and think everything is going to go away. PFFT!!! no it only gets harder infact I cant really say that but I can and will as I have been there, still going through it and so have we all!
Being saved is a very difficult desicion to make and when we make it we must realise that Jesus WILL be there for us, so dont feel as if you are alone.
It will get hard and you will think why is God doing this to me? well he is testing your faith. He wants you to fall down and pray ( NOT literally but he wants you to pray )
Jesus is here and SO ARE WE!!
Talk to us !!!!
Mousey 21 May, 2009 @ 3:33pm 
Guys, there is a member in this group that i particularly want to extend my prayers to. You know who you are buddy. Lord, be with Him and his girlfriend after their terrible experience. I ask that you fill them with your holy spirit and comfort their hearts in this diffucult time. Lord, please give them the strength to get through this and carry them in Your loving arms. God bless you buddy. An Experience where it had almost cost you your lives can be really hard to get through, because it shows you just how real this life is. Hope she gets well soon and may you know that God will always be there for you, to heal your wounded hearts. Amen
Mousey 20 May, 2009 @ 5:25am 
Lord God, i pray for those in this group that is in need of Your strength. This is for all of you that are facing a crossroad in your life. God, may you give them the wisdom and insight to make the right decisions. May you give them the patience to wait for You to work in their lives, God, as we know you are not bound by time as we know it. Lord, bless them and bless them some more. In Your name, Jesus Christ- Amen. Guys, let us all pray for those here that need the Lords guidance at this stage. Much love guys, God bless you all.
Mousey 20 May, 2009 @ 5:21am 
Lord thank you for working in each and everyone of our Lives everyday! I thank you so much for all the blessing you have given me and this is just to let you know that even though you bless me beyond my wildest dreams, i will still always serve you in the worst and best times of my life! Thank you for making this group grow slowly but surely everyday, as people seek You in their lives. May this group influence the whole of the community, and may you continue to send them Here to seek your guidance as you work through us to revitalize their souls! May you inspire us with Your wisdom to bring your Word to all the ones that seek to be saved. I pray this in Your Holy name, Amen.
suki 18 May, 2009 @ 11:42am 
Give us strenght to overcome evil Lord Jesus, help us in everything RIGHT NOW.. JESUS HELP US
suki 17 May, 2009 @ 1:09am 
and after you have looked at if 3 times
watch this
suki 17 May, 2009 @ 1:01am 
Jeus Chirst, you are my life, once again I come to you in awe, this life we are living is nothing, this life is sin, this life is my hell, Jesus Christ I pray that not only can you give me what I need but more God as I cant do with just what I need, I need more, I am right now fighting with my girlfriend lord and I pray that you can help me overcome this fight, its quite serious lord Jesus. Lets all pull together, shine in your name, Lord you are everything I am, I thank you for that. Jesus this time right now IGNITE people with your tongue, rain down on us and clear our sin. guys go to this link its a song by Hillsong play the movie listen to the lyrics VERY closly. play the mover over again 3 times please do it 3 times and you will see the effect it has. If you are busy finish what you are doing, only do this if you are relaxed and focused on God. <3
Mousey 16 May, 2009 @ 11:17am 
Seek to find all of The Lords characteristics, and soon you will see them become evident in your own life!
WoodnoteUniverse 16 May, 2009 @ 11:04am 
WHAT SUKIYAKI SAID I LUV U JESUS U ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<!!
Mousey 16 May, 2009 @ 10:27am 
Lord i pray that people will come seek guidance and peace withing this group. I pray that even those that dont believe in Your holy Spirit and your word will come here and eventually open their hearts to your undying grace. Amen
suki 16 May, 2009 @ 5:55am 
Wow jesus you are my heart, my mind, me everything, I lay my life be4 you and ask they you not only help us in the group but the whole steam community, lord jesus I pray that you guide us, keep us strong and help us perform at our best in everything we do amen.... Guys this might sound silly or something, be4 you enter a server pray for people to get a sign or anything and pray that you can perform at your best in css, might sound weird but I promis you JESUS wants to help us in EVERYTHING we do as long as we do it for him! love you all <3 JESUS YOU ROCK!!!
Mousey 13 May, 2009 @ 1:37pm 
Lord, i pray to You that You will help this group to grow and touch and revive the lost through Your will and Your enourmous grace, show them the truth and open their hearts to Your undying love. I love You SO much Lord, i am truly nothing without You. I just cant express my Love to You, i just want Your love so bad! There is so much more to life with You my Lord. Amen.
Mousey 13 May, 2009 @ 1:29pm 
Mousey 13 May, 2009 @ 1:28pm 
Welcome snoopy! If youre anything like Nico, then i somma love you already! xD
ReFresH™ 8 May, 2009 @ 7:06am 
Agrees with Smooth here Praise his Holy name!!!
Smooth|†|¯ ☚(゚ヮ゚☚) 8 May, 2009 @ 6:48am 
Amen to Jesus \:D/ Praise his Holy name!