กลุ่ม STEAM
Beyond the Shadow of Death [BtSoD]
กลุ่ม STEAM
Beyond the Shadow of Death [BtSoD]
12 พฤษภาคม 2008
เกี่ยวกับ Beyond the Shadow of Death

You have to live beyond the shadow of death. It's not the end, it's just passing on to Heaven. Sometimes we get stuck in this life and don't think past it. This life is not the meaning of life. For if this is all there is, then why be alive? If you think that way all your life your trying to slow down age. Your putting all your strength into living, when everybody knows your going to die. Life today, death tomorrow. Depressing isn't it? Well if thats the end... I think I would have no reason to live, wouldn't you be the same?

The reason there's death is because in the garden of eden, man sinned and fell short of the glory of God. We ruined the world. We are the reason for death. Yet god loves us even though we are evil and corrupt. God sent his son Jesus to died for us and pay the price that we owe to him. And the price for sin is death but he still payed the price and died for you. But he rules death and life. Normally you think the devil rules death and God rules life. But Jesus Christ conquered death, he conquered the devil, and he rose again. He stayed a while, but then back to his home in heaven.

The truth is you are going to live forever to. But where are you going to live in eternity? Heaven or hell. Personally I choose Heaven. I don't know anyone how said they want to live in hell and really believe it's real. Heaven doesn't have much of a toll, you don't have to go to church and pray 24-7. you don't have to never curse. All those things are good but there not the way to heaven. All you have to do is believe in god, accept him as your savior and try your very best to follow him. Jesus died so you can go to heaven! The only thing you have to do is take the ticket and follow him, It's that easy! He's giving you a ticket to ever lasting happiness! It's there, right in front of your face. I can't make you do anything. But if you want to turn down the chance... well thats your choice. It's all your choice, but my recommendation is ever lasting happiness in heaven. You choose, Heaven or hell? You don't have forever, you ARE going to die.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me. ~Psalm 23

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Giving up your life.
2 ในแช็ต
12 พฤษภาคม 2008