B-days HPBD
B-days HPBD
10 August, 2010
Fine Millan 8 May, 2011 @ 7:11am 
Well The POTW is FizzyMilk with his Portal 2 he kickass XD
Fine Millan 2 May, 2011 @ 10:03pm 
well guess that one who hate his life is POTW btw nice job
Fine Millan 21 Mar, 2011 @ 4:00pm 
and our canidian man win again
Fine Millan 20 Feb, 2011 @ 10:05am 
newfoundlander is the POTW nice one and i dont knew he has black ops O.O
Fine Millan 20 Feb, 2011 @ 10:01am 
Just see there steam ranking and it has a full 10 is the POWT :) thats all
Fine Millan 13 Feb, 2011 @ 2:34pm 
mein Freund ㋡ Major-Bohry ㋡ (GER) Spieler der Woche ist mein deutscher Freund schöner Weg zu gehen

( Is in German )
Fine Millan 6 Feb, 2011 @ 7:58am 
Guys take you new tag for group is { C0| |) } so tag it if you want
Fine Millan 30 Jan, 2011 @ 10:14am 
-≤ ĢۼŅ∂ČįĎۼ ≥- is POTW way to go -≤ ĢۼŅ∂ČįĎۼ ≥- of course playing (Counter-Strike)
Fine Millan 27 Jan, 2011 @ 7:43am 
all we are busy some times dont worry :D
[LoT] Phoenix 26 Jan, 2011 @ 5:48pm 
Sorry for not helpin' kinda busy with school. :\
Fine Millan 26 Jan, 2011 @ 7:03am 
Newfoundlander is the POTW nice keep going
Fine Millan 2 Jan, 2011 @ 10:23pm 
ohhh an srry officer not helping so have to took it off cause you are not helping :(
Fine Millan 2 Jan, 2011 @ 10:17pm 
................. srry very busy i cant to the ratings srry
Fine Millan 26 Dec, 2010 @ 2:49pm 
{CTS} ViperzRelinquish = 10

| Spoofy | = 10

LaGgY_42o = 10

McLovin = 10

Santa's Battle Beard (GIFT ME) = 10

StarPenguin64 = 10

Taboo = 10

davcarcol = 10

๖ۣۜGod = 10

[-=MXC=-]CrimsonAngel = 7.2

Old Snake = 6.6

newsparten101 = 6.6

[IC]Hotwired05= 6.5

Ω иіҡҡо (͡•̮•̃) = 6.5

[ZG] Pendejo's = 2.5

newfoundlander = 1.8

|D4RK-3|>1COLONEL@A_TIME = 0.8

TOS = Headshot = 0.3

[-=MXC=-]POOP!!!xD = 0.2

<><۞SANTA۞><> = 0

Indiana Jones = 0
TeddyHoward 24 Dec, 2010 @ 9:10pm 
cant wait it is almoust my B-day on the 1 of the 6 XD
Fine Millan 24 Dec, 2010 @ 9:27am 
Merry Christmas and Happy New year !!!!! :D
Fine Millan 12 Dec, 2010 @ 5:08pm 
and here the score of all (online)

[-=MXC=-]CrimsonAngel = 10

๖ۣۜGod ת/ύ(NoSound) = 10

davcarcol = 10

iPanda = 10

Robot Battle Beard = 10

FriedChickon® = 10

[ZG] Pendejo's = 10

^0{^19^05^14^0}^0My ^1ass = 10

sexypenguin = 10

| Spoofy | = 10

[LoT]ƵơɱβΊέÐɸϻǫ☀❤ = 8.7

Ω иіҡҡо (͡•̮•̃) = 8.1

Dan Kett = 7.4

[IC]Hotwired05 = 6

SNIPA! = 5.6

Staci = 5.1

|D4RK-3|>1COLONEL@A_TIME = 4.3

LaGgY_42o = 3

MooseWalrus = 2.5

Dransvitry = 1.2

๖ۣۜal = 0.6

Sly Cooper = 0.4

newfoundlander = 0.1

[-=MXC=-]POOP!!! xD = 0.1

TOS = Headshot = 0
Fine Millan 12 Dec, 2010 @ 4:53pm 
[-=MXC=-]CrimsonAngel is The Player of the Week way to go Girl :D
Fine Millan 5 Dec, 2010 @ 6:40am 
and here is of all this guys (online)

๖ۣۜGod ת/ύ(NoSound) =10

Taboo = 10

iPanda = 10

nstpenguin = 10

[ZG] Pendejo's = 7.5

[-=MXC=-]POOP!!! xD = 6.4

SNIPA! = 4.7

newsparten101 = 3.9

Mavrickindigo = 2.8

Dransvitry = 2.6

LaGgY_42o = 0.1
Fine Millan 5 Dec, 2010 @ 6:35am 
[-=MXC=-]POOP!!! xD is The Player Of The Week finally i see this guy kill some zombies so nice :)
Fine Millan 28 Nov, 2010 @ 1:24pm 
Here is the rantings of all (online)

๖ۣۜal = 0.2

TOS = Headshot = 0.1

[LoT]ZombieDomo☀ = 9

๖ۣۜGod ת/ύ(NoSound) = 10

Robot Battle Beard = 10

Sher Khan = 409

Taboo = 10

[-RzR-] ViperzRelinquish = 5.8

^0{^19^05^14^0}^0My ^1ass = 7.4

Ω NiKKO ٩(͡•̮•̃)۶ = 6.7

GonGon1 = 4.6

iPanda s2 = 10

LaGgY_42o = 2.6

newfoundlander = 0.8

Sly Cooper = 7.4

Staci = 3.2

Staci = 3.4

[-=MXC=-]CrimsonAngel [P] ) = 10

[-=MXC=-]POOP!!! xD = 6.4

[ZG] PULSAT = 10

| Spoofy | - future Wildcat :D = 10

TeddyHoward 25 Nov, 2010 @ 1:02pm 
[LoT] Phoenix 23 Nov, 2010 @ 9:40am 
Taboo is the new player of the week! Way to go Taboo!
Fine Millan 7 Nov, 2010 @ 10:30am 
and also the rantings (online)

KeNsHin = 10

nstpenguinThePenguinKING! = 10

Taboo = 10

^0{^19^05^14^0}^0My ^1ass = 8

LaGgY_42o = 7.2

[LoT]Domo☀{(I7)} = 6.4

amazeu111 = 6.3

GonGon1 = 6

๖ۣۜal = 5.7

newsparten101 = 5

| Spoofy | = 4.8

the_tooth_fairy_tat 2000 = 4.3

Dan Kett (crashes) = 4

({I7})ViperzRelinquish{TW} = 3.9

Staci = 3.1

Mavrickindigo = 2.4

Jigsaw = 1.6

<DC123><F.E.A.R>merawwr = 0.1
Fine Millan 7 Nov, 2010 @ 10:23am 
KeNsHin is the Player of the Week way to go KeNsHin
Fine Millan 3 Nov, 2010 @ 4:13pm 
Here is the rantings of all (online)

๖ۣۜGod ת/ύ-Wants Bill hat = 10

MooseWalrus = 10

nstpenguinThePenguinKING! = 10

Taboo = 10

H@TER! ︻┳テ═一 ツ = 9.6

davcarcol = 9.3

~WarAngel~ = 9

Criken = 8.4

^0{^19^05^14^0}^0My ^1ass = 7.3

CorossFire = 7.5

๖ۣۜal = 7.2

Mavrickindigo = 5.1

LaGgY_42o = 4.1

GonGon1 = 3.9

newsparten101 = 3.7

NeMeSiS104 = 3

italiano = 2.9

Jigsaw = 1.6

TOS = Headshot = 0.3

<DC123><F.E.A.R>merawwr = 0.1

newfoundlander = 0.1
(longest list evar made)
Fine Millan 3 Nov, 2010 @ 4:02pm 
๖ۣۜGod ת/ύ-Wants Bill hat is The Player of the Week so excelent .
Fine Millan 24 Oct, 2010 @ 9:08am 
and here are the rantings off all too (online)

davcarcol = 10

๖ۣۜGod ת/ύ = 10


[LoT]Cookie☀ = 10

Ŧabøø = 10

nstpenguinThePenguinKING! = 10

Criken = 9.5

the_tooth_fairy_tat 2000 = 9.1

^0{^19^05^14^0}^0My ^1ass = 7.1

Sher Khan = 6.8

newfoundlander = 6.5

LaGgY_42o = 5.7

๖ۣۜal = 5.2

GonGon1 = 5.1

Mavrickindigo = 2.9

<DC123><F.E.A.R>merawwr = 1.7
Fine Millan 24 Oct, 2010 @ 9:01am 
davcarcol Is the Player of the Week
Fine Millan 21 Oct, 2010 @ 6:46am 
hey all you should check the videos that cookie do is for lol :D
Fine Millan 17 Oct, 2010 @ 7:01am 
Also the rantings of all (online)

nstpenguinThePenguinKING! = 10

Ŧabøø = 10

๖ۣۜa l= 10


the_tooth_fairy_tat 2000= 9.7

Amaze111 = 7.5

| Spoofy | = 4.6

<DC123><F.E.A.R>merawwr = 2
Fine Millan 17 Oct, 2010 @ 6:57am 
nstpenguinThePenguinKING! is the player of the week keep going nstpenguinThePenguinKING! :D
Fine Millan 10 Oct, 2010 @ 9:08am 
a new officer has come is King of hearts
Fine Millan 10 Oct, 2010 @ 7:59am 
Also the rantings of all (online)

๖ۣۜۜal = 10

๖ۣۜGod ת/ύ = 10

Ŧabøø√Ģдmє Я€ap€r = 10

GonGon1 = 10

H@TER! ︻┳テ═一 ツ = 10

^4Moose^2Walrus = 10

italiano = 9.9

[LoT]Cookie = 9.9

the_tooth_fairy_tat 2000 = 9.3

Ω NiKKO ٩(͡•̮•̃)۶ = 5.8

Amaze111 = 4.6

Ghost-Kitten123 = 4.2

~xWarAngelx~ = 1.3

<DC123><F.E.A.R>merawwr = 0.6
Fine Millan 10 Oct, 2010 @ 7:55am 
๖ۣۜۜal is the player of the week keep playing ๖ۣۜۜal thats the spirit :)
[LoT] Phoenix 9 Oct, 2010 @ 12:48pm 
oh yeah Thanks for making me player of the week on oct. 3rd.
Fine Millan 9 Oct, 2010 @ 7:47am 
Guys thnx to Bring more people here keep invite people :)
Fine Millan 4 Oct, 2010 @ 6:10pm 
alll the evualations i do it all the Sundays 4 the player of the week
Fine Millan 3 Oct, 2010 @ 9:34am 
And here is a rating of all of members (online)
10= [LoT]Cookie
10= ๖ۣۜGod ת/ύ
10= Ŧabøø√Ģдmє Я€ap€r
10= nstpenguinThePenguinKING!
10= MooseWalrus
8.9= GonGon1
8.8= ๖ۣۜۜal
8.7= the_tooth_fairy_tat 2000
3.3= ...
3.2= ~xWarAngelx~
2.5= ŤČĄŞĦ
2.2= my ass
2.1= [ATM]Shadow
0.6= LaGgY_42o
0.6= lilrob13
0.2= TOS = Headshot
Fine Millan 3 Oct, 2010 @ 9:16am 
[LoT] Cookie is the player of the week nice job coqui :)
Fine Millan 1 Oct, 2010 @ 7:36pm 
Hey guys I will annouce that maybe i will got TF2 and Garrys Mod so maybe I will get that games so yay!!!!!!!!! :D
Fine Millan 27 Sep, 2010 @ 5:02pm 
well guys next month here are the b-day's members:
DR:COOKIE: 29 october
King of hearts : 31 october
so they have too wait too much but i have all dates of your b-days so dont worry and relax and that who not give your b-day date comment plz
[LoT] Phoenix 23 Sep, 2010 @ 4:52pm 
Hey Swedish thanks for that comment about hackers and free steam games. I was gonna download it but i was suspicous so i didnt. Thanks again. :D
Null 20 Sep, 2010 @ 2:53pm 
October 31 stupid halloween get another date geez -_-
Fine Millan 13 Sep, 2010 @ 7:11pm 
Attention evryone there are hackers try to hack you so beware they will send you a message that are free steam games 2 friends we already hacked so beware
Fine Millan 5 Sep, 2010 @ 7:33pm 
guys i will not online so i will put some repalcement so there you go so wait plz
Fine Millan 29 Aug, 2010 @ 8:16pm 
guys thnx 4 bring more people in B-days I hope you bring more people here so thnx and i will post questions and alot of stuff to you comment well cya and thnx
[LoT] Phoenix 25 Aug, 2010 @ 2:53pm 
B-day is October 29
Fine Millan 16 Aug, 2010 @ 8:15am 
H@TER! ︻┳テ═一 ツ is the Player of the week and birhday man so congrats
Fine Millan 15 Aug, 2010 @ 7:17pm 
I mean put your Date's in the announcements lol :)