Achievement Boosters ABoosters
Achievement Boosters ABoosters
게임 중
2016년 11월 19일
Achievement Boosters 정보

A Place For All Achievement Hunters!

Hello everyone! This group is for those who woud like to polish off their games by collecting all of the achievements to it. If you would like to boost with people or discuss how to obtain certain achievements, be sure to make a new sub-forum within the group with the title of the game you want to boost. If you see a forum already available for the game you want, then you're in luck! Simply message the people in the sub-forum and hopefully you can plan a date for collecting those missing achievements!

If there is anything you would like to discuss with me, then you can either message me in the comments of this group or you can add me and talk to me privately. Please comment on my profile before adding me stating what you need as I won't add you otherwise,
인기 토론글
댓글 15
unknown 2019년 1월 13일 오전 7시 06분 
Is this group still alive?
ANARKA 2018년 2월 9일 오전 2시 41분 
Galera, convido a todos a participarem do meu canal no youtube, aceito sugestoes também sobre os videos e jogos e peço que curtam para que possam me ajudar na divulgação. Toda ajuda é bem-vinda, chamem e divulguem para o número máximo de pessoas possíveis. Valeu pessoal! " AlphagamerBr"
DF^2 2017년 8월 9일 오전 2시 00분 
guys what happened to BAO multiplayer achievements? Are they still unlockable?
Lever Zephyr 2017년 7월 3일 오후 5시 16분 
I can help to get sweet cheevs
Panda Knight 2017년 5월 31일 오후 12시 36분 
Is anyone interested with boosting Arkham Origins Multiplayer achievements together? Add me please, I really need help!!
Kavic 2017년 2월 3일 오전 4시 38분 
Want to boost CSGO Achievements together?
그룹 멤버
게임 중
7 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 11월 19일