475th Infantry Division M|475|M]
475th Infantry Division M|475|M]
게임 중
2012년 7월 29일
United States 
475th Infantry Division 정보

Merrills Marauders

The 475th Infantry Division is an extension of Merrill's Marauders. We are a unit for Day of Defeat Source.

You can find out more about who we are and what we stand for at

We currently have 3 servers in dod 1.3 and 3 servers in dods.

Our dods server ip's are: Merrill's Marauders | Caen 24/7 | Merrill's Marauders | Strand 24/7 | Merrill's Marauders | Ava 24/7 |

Server Mods:
1) All classes get pistols
2) All classes get extra nades
3) Type !medic for health
4) Rifle classes get tnt. Type sm_plant to use. To bind a key open console and type bind “a” “sm_plant”
5) Type /rank to see your stats. Stats carry over to all 475th servers live

We have been playing Day of Defaet since 2002 and as the 475th since 2005

Merrill's Marauders[]
Merrill's Marauders Server Stats[]
Merrills Marauders Ban Page[]
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New website up and running
댓글 2
Crooked Snowman 2018년 1월 20일 오전 9시 23분 
1 or 2 admins ruin playing on your servers. They are overly aggressive to people, which I was able to tolerate until I got kicked for something stupid. I typed "wtf" (not part of an argument with anyone) and was accused of swearing, told I don't contribute anything, and banned by a 475th member. I mean, seriously? It's not like I didn't get along with people on the servers.

The admins need to dial it back a bit. Like how you treat new people with the name "player" who don't even realize you're talking to them. You'll say "rules are rules" or "it’s our server" which I get, but you don't need to be so abrasive. If something becomes an actual problem, then you get engaged.

This is my attempt at letting you know your behavior isn't appropriate. If being an admin in a dying video game community is the pinnacle of your life's accomplishments, I'm sorry, but don't abuse the small amount of power you do have. You're killing the small community that's left.
Mice 2012년 8월 21일 오전 2시 50분 
Um, I fired one rifle grenade from the bridge loft (first action as I logged in) and was banned from server for accessive team killing. So is that it? Am I done with the 475th now?
게임 중
4 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2012년 7월 29일
United States