Medlemskab fås kun gennem invitation
21. maj 2015
52 kommentarer
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 19. dec. 2017 kl. 15:29 
cl0ckwork is baller.
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 15. dec. 2017 kl. 5:46 
about to put you on blast
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 15. dec. 2017 kl. 5:46 
you said you would send them to me before. I couldn't wait forever
i 14. dec. 2017 kl. 9:38 
dev hacked...

my computer and took my photos of me in a banana thong... im a little upset
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 15. nov. 2017 kl. 5:16 
says the one and only scrub in the group besides image
Hourglass 15. nov. 2017 kl. 3:07 
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 14. nov. 2017 kl. 22:29 
I started playing css like a year ago and i found dirtybird on the ego server then once I saw everyone in it was good I wanted to join BOT right away, I didnt even know how to look at groups or how to accept when Michael invite me.
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 14. nov. 2017 kl. 22:27 
I remember dirty asking my friend vengance to tryout for it over me lol shitt i have such a good memory
`stEEEzy 14. nov. 2017 kl. 18:40 
Silly, everyone knows Prime is the leader of all BOTS
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 13. nov. 2017 kl. 8:59 
dirtybird is co-leader hands down.
Hourglass 13. nov. 2017 kl. 3:33 
michael, but im leading csgo team
RoboRider 12. nov. 2017 kl. 7:59 
im curious, whos the leader of the bots??
`stEEEzy 11. nov. 2017 kl. 22:14 
i'll need to upgrade my gaming PC as well. You guys wont believe but im running a Quad Core Extreme QX9650, 8GB DDR2, GTX 570 ... yeah i know, its old shit, but I still play decent with it. 10years old setup (minus the vid card). Im going to upgrade soon, so I will prob be in.
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 11. nov. 2017 kl. 5:23 
but if my computer can run it good now, I'm in.
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 11. nov. 2017 kl. 5:23 
bro i was semi-pro on xbox, i already have fnatic and astralis asking me to join ;)
Sun 10. nov. 2017 kl. 2:25 
You already know I'm down.
Hourglass 9. nov. 2017 kl. 23:50 
I am asking for 20 players. Reason for 20 is for practice matches and to determine who is the most competitive, determined, strong, and the courage to face loss as we make our way up to the top dogs. Its gonna get a whole lot of heat up in here.
Hourglass 9. nov. 2017 kl. 23:40 
i am actually gonna be building a pc really soon. like before christmas. i start my new job on the 13 of Nov. I will be getting a team together for GO. So if anyone is interested. let me know. I also know a few guys who will do Logos and intros. I will also start youtube. recording comp matches and what not. Let me know if you are down to join the Team!!. ofc it will be bot team, but prolly with another name such as like Team BOT or some name like that. no dev, definetly not BOTHEADS you pothead
Hourglass 9. nov. 2017 kl. 14:32 
would you guys like me to post more music?
RoboRider 9. nov. 2017 kl. 8:42 
what happen??
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 7. nov. 2017 kl. 5:11 
image is a dickface.
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 7. nov. 2017 kl. 5:10 
steam drama
i 6. nov. 2017 kl. 13:31 
drama? ew
Sun 23. okt. 2017 kl. 20:51 
Anyone down to play some matchmaking CSGO?
Would be pretty cool, just throw me an invite and we can play!

Michael 11. sep. 2017 kl. 17:55 
jesus what happened ahaha stylez i'm in the same boat man
RoboRider 9. sep. 2017 kl. 15:29 
finally was able to post something, thanks for the add michael!!
`stEEEzy 6. sep. 2017 kl. 15:04 
well wow, i missed a lot
Hourglass 5. sep. 2017 kl. 18:54 
Farewell guys
RightY!^ 5. sep. 2017 kl. 16:03 
This is gonna be long probably 4 or 5 posts so read it or dont read it I dont care. I have talked to instinct some today and me and him are now cool I do believe. He has his opinions about me I have mine of him as well, we each were honest about those opinions. He is a cool guy and very mature about things. But like I have stated. I am not naming any names or my other reasons for leaving this group but I will say this. Ya'll are gonna lose alot more members if you keep up the back stabbing and he said she said stuff. It's just bad all around for everyone involved. Just play the game. I don't care who plays what, where, when, why and how they play it. It's a game. A dying game at that, that hardly noone plays anymore with a very very small player base.
RightY!^ 5. sep. 2017 kl. 16:02 
It is like I have stated many many times to everyone that brings it up. I play whatever team I want to play when I want to play it regardless of who says what, I don't stack teams, I dont play on the winning team.
RightY!^ 5. sep. 2017 kl. 16:02 
Not to be building onto myself but 95% of the time with the exception of a few crappy games I can have, I am a big factor in that team winning. Whether it be rush calling, getting lots of kills, being a meat shield sometimes for people that dip in rushes because I am always down for a rush as long as enough people join me and its actually do able. When I join the server I immediately join the team that is losing. I honestly do whether it be CT or T then when the round is over I change teams depending on who is playing on the team If I like playing with those people, if the team is doing the objective, and if I just simply don't feel like having to call rushes and deal with a headache of a typical T team of having to try and get people to do the objective because honestly that gets boring and is more work than its worth. In my opinion sitting around the whole round accomplishing nothing and dying is pointless.
RightY!^ 5. sep. 2017 kl. 16:01 
I can do that on CT and actually be doing the objective. Most of you are gonna say well I never see him join T when he joins the server, well I do why the hell would I make it up? I mean really? Nothing bad is going to happen to me if I do or don't tell the truth so seriously why would I lie? I dont care what you guys think of me. Another thing. Downing my reputation in a server means nothing to me honestly. But what meant something to me was I figured if push came to shove you guys would have a fellow group members back not join in on the stupid stuff. But like I have said I hold no hard feelings towards anyone. You guys do what you guys got to do. I will continue playing my way and enjoying the game that I've enjoyed for almost 13 years....maybe 14 by now or more. Shit I have been playing counter strike for too damn long. But anyways, thats my two cents. Enjoy!
M0NARK 5. sep. 2017 kl. 14:07 
I participated in the downing of rep but I was unaware of any intentions to get you banned, RightY. You do what you have to but there is no beef here.
Hourglass 5. sep. 2017 kl. 14:02 
Guys Sorry about what happened last night. It was me who caused Righty the drama. It was a joke a first but Insinct went full on serious mode and started hating on Righty. If you feel like i should be removed from BOT for this. I completely understand. I feel Like i should because of this. Righty my brother, I am sorry for causing you this stupid drama. Instinct wanted me to help you get banned, That was the line that he crossed with me. I left the server and went to bed. The one thing i cannot do is get my kentuckian twin banned. Righty, as a brother to brother answer. Please forgive me.
RightY!^ 5. sep. 2017 kl. 7:46 
Not mentioning any names or starting any drama. But there are people in this group that are back stabbers and liers. And honestly, this is something that is making me make this decision. I'm done with BOT for this reason and a few other reasons. Not everyone in this group is bad or like this and I will not name names if you send me a message and ask me about it. But siding with instinct in EGO and the other fatties in downing me in the server and talking about me behind my back to them and packing tales what I say to you in steam messenger is pre school stuff. From my understanding Instinct is an admin at EGO and as I saw last night he was trying to get me mad and start running my mouth like OPZ did months back and get me banned. Now, while I don't care about rep because honestly I really could give two fucks about it, its pointless really. Its just the pount of the matter.
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 22. aug. 2017 kl. 13:45 
Honestly though I used to think Righty hacked when I first played with him and also TIP TOE IN MY JAWDINSS aka skank.. Idk why he isnt in this group anymore
`stEEEzy 19. aug. 2017 kl. 19:54 
fucking nub losers will always be nub losers.
RightY!^ 19. aug. 2017 kl. 17:52 
Ya know I have been thinking of recording myself like with a camera standing behind me on my screen as I play on a new account in those servers and when i get banned again. Post the video on the unban request and tell them its me. Damn that would be epic as fuck they'd probably still say I was cheating and I edited the video somehow LMFAO
Hourglass 19. aug. 2017 kl. 13:30 
Dude Righty. Finish downloading smite lol. I'm gonna try leveling in LoL so we can play it
`stEEEzy 18. aug. 2017 kl. 3:55 
ohh and everytime they say they have lots of demos of me, i BEGG them to send me them because i dont make demos anymore LOL
`stEEEzy 18. aug. 2017 kl. 3:50 
ahhh, i've been banned countless times due to retards and noob admins. If you do good, and do better than everyone else, they always target and accuse.

I've been getting banned since 2002 LOL .. i've come to live with it.

FYI, i'm also banned from NBK, it happened last year for me. "walling" i believe and "ghosting" and "toggle script" LMFAO

Noobs will be noobs.
RightY!^ 17. aug. 2017 kl. 18:47 
everyone there is cool. I have made a few friends there so i dont think i will be getting banned from there. good pepole play there anyways.
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 17. aug. 2017 kl. 14:12 
You better not get banned from ego again, although ive been banned for "hacking" there before. What about the WarLords servers?.. That's where I usually scrim.
RightY!^ 17. aug. 2017 kl. 0:54 
Now all that is left is eGo. LMFAO
RightY!^ 17. aug. 2017 kl. 0:27 
Well guys. I am about to say farewell to this game. Got banned from more servers earlier. Now I am banned from sfa servers and NBK servers. Because of walling. I couldn't take a screenshot of the comments for the NBK unban request and what was said before they locked that thread down months ago but I got sfa LOL take a look. I ain't even mad. Just sad for them. Don't think I will be doing much scrimming with you guys much LOL. Check out this link for my artwork section on my profile though, thats where I had to put the screenshot. If it doesn't work then just go to my profile and then go to my artoworks or whatever.
Michael 12. aug. 2017 kl. 11:02 
i opened invite function to all players in group, if someones good and wants to join feel free fellas. make sure they're dirty players!
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 11. aug. 2017 kl. 22:26 
I have a scrim server, if anyone is looking to scrim other teams let me know.... I also sub in for another team sometimes and we usually do good so yeah, hmu.
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 1. juli 2017 kl. 20:30 
Took long enough....
`stEEEzy 1. juli 2017 kl. 5:31 
Dev finally went 21-0 loolll
Devastate. ᴛʜᴄ 13. juni 2017 kl. 19:12 
Keep css alive!!