กลุ่ม STEAM
1C Game Studios 1cgs
กลุ่ม STEAM
1C Game Studios 1cgs
13 มิถุนายน 2018
เกี่ยวกับ 1C Game Studios

1C Game Studios

1C Game Studios comprises developers of previous Sturmovik titles and 777 Studios, the creators of Rise of Flight, the best WWI combat flight simulator ever made.

We take our work on new IL-2 Sturmovik seriously, we study gigabytes of scanned documents from archives and museums all over the world, including documents that were only recently declassified. They contain unique data on aerial test flights, valuable graphs, reports and other useful information.

To model the landscape, we use topographic maps, city plans and atlases of that era and other geographic materials. Highly detailed German aerial footage also allows us to recreate the cities and towns as they were then with a high level of detail.

Our unique and advanced physics engine was developed by a dedicated team of real aircraft engineers who hold advanced degrees and have worked in the best Russian aircraft design bureaus.

We also study the experience of real-life pilots of WWII, read their memoirs and if possible have personal contact with veterans of the war - their feedback and observations are invaluable.

To clear up contentious points in aircraft modeling we listen to real life pilots’ and test pilots’ commentary on aircraft performance and aerial combat tactics whenever possible. We even performed intensive mock dogfights in real aircraft similar to ones used in the war to get a feel of what it was really like.

IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Official Website[il2sturmovik.com]
Rise of Flight Official Website[riseofflight.com]
1C Game Studios Sale
7 ความเห็น
ran1510 13 ม.ค. 2024 @ 1: 40am 
Hello, why can't I install the
IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad
jhonnycage420 16 ก.ค. 2023 @ 9: 47am 
"C:\Users\jhonn\AppData\LocalLow\1CGS\Caliber\Replays\9c9fbdff-66c5-49ad-b025-2d68a2795445_2594172_2023-07-16_11-18-11_10580_000.bytes" THEY NEED TO BANE THIS BUGG USER THE MTC
wolf 3 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 7: 17pm 
I'm gonna say this now about caliber: Get it fixed. The weapons need balancing, and the bullets shouldn't be dropping like I am seeing for marksman rifles. Shields should not be able to do the things they do and a medic shouldn't be able to 1v4 the lobby.

It has a lot of potential but good lord chief y'all gotta work on it, my buddy got me into it and HE is the one who left. I only stayed after defying the meta.
windwalker102 28 มี.ค. 2023 @ 8: 07am 
I am very interested in purchasing the IL2 Sturmovik program/games, but need to know if they will run in windows 11? Please let me know. windwalker102@gmail.com. Thank you.
Iam2slow4u 16 เม.ย. 2022 @ 7: 25am 
i wish me a tutorial for IL2 Sturmovik i don´t check the controls
SaibaX 9 พ.ค. 2021 @ 5: 20am 
Any chance we might see Caliber launch on Steam?
8 ในแช็ต
13 มิถุนายน 2018