{Random} Pgob
{Random} Pgob
게임 중
2013년 12월 25일
{Random} 정보

Welcome! ~

•The latest buzzword used amongst mindless teenagers as a way of showing just so utterly irreverent their predictable sense of humour is. Particularly dominant among English teens and University students, the word "random" or the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. Trouble is, being "random" is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed.

•This Group is all about Randomness. Everything that you can Image will hopefully happen in this group. We don't take things seriously but we could get the job done. Hopefully we don't get hurt about the things that we are currently doing and we hope that It does not hurt you too. Remember everything is Random, anything can happen at anytime. You have been warned

•If you guys know or if you don't know, This is the group for my Youtube Channel. You can Check me out Here, or you can click the link on the right hand of the page saying Youtube Channel!. Basically I do Gameplay videos, Commentaries and everything that my heart desires. If you're interested into that stuff, make sure to Subscribe






Trade Offers!

Deviant Art![]

-------------------------------------*( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*-----------------------------------------------

YouTube Channel!
Twitter Page!
Deviant Art[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Revive XJZ
Revive XJZ
Steam 큐레이터
평가 {Random}개
"Games.... Just Games...."
다음은 {Random} 님이 최근에 작성한 평가입니다.
댓글 6
Gob 2015년 11월 23일 오전 4시 25분 
Subscribe guys! You're in here for a reason right?
subarasean 2015년 11월 17일 오전 6시 53분 
Lololol I em da Ded Pull douche, u suk at gaems so much xddddd


Jk Luv u no homo.
Gob 2015년 9월 25일 오전 4시 34분 
I hope it does...
Thanks Iron c:
i4n 2015년 9월 25일 오전 3시 58분 
That's a lot of group members, hope that your YouTube Channel will continue to grow as much as this group does :)
Gob 2015년 5월 31일 오전 9시 06분 
Not really... but Thanks! Mako :D
muck 2015년 5월 30일 오전 4시 54분 
Wow Pgob... You're quite famous now! I'm always here to support you (or you all).
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