Walter Machado WMachado
Walter Machado WMachado
13 July, 2018
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Walter Machado 9 May @ 9:48am 
Qthulu, I made some last minute tweaks, that increased two weeks of work, but it will be presented soon!
Walter Machado 9 May @ 9:47am 
Xonirix, this one is getting a bit of extra time due to the increased dificulty to balance, but... as always, it spawned other ideas, with other progression styles that may generate new gameplay experiences!
Walter Machado 9 May @ 9:44am 
dabdip, in this new title, you have one random update per wave, but you can choose one of two the first time you update. If you get to the final wave, which is unlimited, your character is fully developed, and it is a "new game," because during the early stages, you have to figure out a way to deal with the random powers you got, moving the game to full arcade later. There is some lore related, and the powers are similar to those in the later UBERMOSH games. I tried other ways to deal with progression that may spawn other games, but I like the idea of getting a full experience in a few minutes of gameplay, saving players's time.
Xonirix 6 May @ 3:20pm 
Personally I think progression should only be unlocks, some games can make meta progression work though
dabdip 5 May @ 10:28am 
What is your take on meta progression? I'm looking for games as challenging as shmups but with an element of randomness. But I sometimes find the roguelike tag in games where the progression plays a role other than unlocking stages or characters. In titles like VS it is so determining I wouldn't even categorize as a game.
Walter Machado 23 Apr @ 1:32pm 
Qthulu, I will do my best to show something next week. The plan is to send the Store page files to Steam next Monday, and once Steam approves it, there will be a hub to show game features, art and receive feedback. Many thanks for asking, friend.
Qthulu 22 Apr @ 12:53pm 
Just dropping by and asking kindly if you'll consider showing some teaser shots instead of game play. All we can do is speculate from what we see (not that this isn't all game journalists do ANYWAYS) but it will keep us hyped for what's coming! Otherwise, hope you are yours are doing well in these new odd times!
Walter Machado 19 Apr @ 6:21pm 
Pedrovski, obrigado pelo suporte, meu amigo. Estou na corrida aqui pra conseguir colocar o Early do roguelike até o final de Maio.
Walter Machado 19 Apr @ 6:15pm 
Yoda_Yoda, not that sure about burguers, but a psicodelic/cartunized/comic themed game would not be a bad idea!
Pedrovski 17 Apr @ 11:34am 
Obrigado pelo trabalho duro