STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™

Kill the Ithorian 1.1
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Azure Fang  [developer] 1 Aug, 2015 @ 5:31am
Kill The Ithorian 1.1

1. Description

This is an updated version of the Kill the Ithorian Mod. Posted with Doctor's permission.

On Telos, there is a caged Ithorian in the Exchange office, mistreated and unfed. Originally, after dealing with the local crimeboss, you could free the prisoner, or leave him in the cage. This had no impact on anything, such as your Light/Dark alignment, and there was no XP reward.

This mod gives you an Experience + Lightside Points reward if you free him.

Moreover, it offers an option to overload the cage and kill the flatworm, for Experience + Darkside Points.

Version 1.1 is essentially the same, but with bugs fixed:
- the infinite rewards exploit
- the computer skill check not working.

2. Installation

To install: copy the two files into your game's Override folder: Deadly_Cage.ncs, term_slusk.dlg.

To uninstall: delete these files from the Override folder.

This mod works fine with TSLRCM 1.7.

3. Compatibility.

Works with TSLRCM, but it does overwrite term_slusk.dlg. This causes no problems.

4. Credits

Original author: Doctor (Stream)
Version 1.1: Markus Ramikin
Concept: Murdrax

5. Disclaimers

The usual stuff applies. The mod is provided as-is; by installing it, you accept all liability for any game instability or damage caused.

Distribute freely, as long as you give due credit.