Cataph's Tweaks
Cataph  [developer] 27 Jul, 2017 @ 9:56am
BATTLE TWEAKS: Details, Requests
## ALL ##
- Bow damage tweakdown:
Example: base longbow from 16+3 to 17+1. Base reload from 11 to 10.
- Bretonnian fire longbows lost less damage than the others but their reload is however unvaried at base 11.
- WElf standard, hagbane and starfire arrows: tweaked to lose some base damage (-1 ap for the starfires too), but they still retain at least the same ap as crossbows, the one-third better accuracy and slightly more range. Also gained that 1s reload as well.

- Versus Large Artillery:
Cannons, for one, are completely worthless against very large targets (against the evidence of S10 d6 wounds in TT), when they’re exactly the main thing you’d think about. When you’d rather use crossbowmen against a Giant than firing 300 dmg inaccurate cannoballs against a 8k hitpoints beast it’s a sign there’s something wrong.
- Cannons: added +200 vsLarge (+150 for the empire ROR, on top of existing 100). Reduced dwarf cannon’s range by 20. TEB Light Cannons get +100.
- Bolt Thrower: added +80 vsLarge. Increased range by 35.

- Stubborn:
In TT, it made the unit immune to morale modifiers (flanked, losses) so that they always tested with their base Leadership. I converted this as a passive triggering at 50% Ld, enabling Unbreakable for 10 seconds, cd 60+s. Basically resistance to a morale shock every minute.
- applied to vanilla: Greatswords, Hammerers, dwarf artillery, Reiksguard, Eternal Guard, Volkmar+War Altar (loses fixed unbreakable), NOT Giants et similia*.
- applied to custom: Wardbearers, Huskarls, Rep. Guard (+20$), Royal Guard (-8 Ld), Shieldbearers, Paymaster.

*Giants are for now left out because big shocks are the only thing that can reliably rout them before impact. Same thing Treemen variants. They were also the only originally Stubborn units that received a huge leadership buff in TW:WH (e.g. Giant’s Ld10 = Leadership 85, 100 instead). Sigvald is also too annoying already.

- Top cavalry resized:
Grail, Blood, Chaos Knights are reduced in numbers (from 45 to 30), their hitpoints and damage accordingly and empirically increased. Makes for a gud n’ proppah feel IMO (accidentally reflecting the x1.5ish TT model proportion between, say, Reiksguard and this group) without greatly altering balance, although they are slightly more resistant to missile and splash dmg, which at this point is their surplus value.

- Foot Squires: now use same weapon as Greatswords, but got +1 def, +2 chg.

- Battle Pilgrims: -2 melee attack.

- MAA swordsmen: -1 defence nudge for both types. They lost too slowly against Emp Swordsmen for my taste.

- yeomen -5 armour both.

- Hippo Knights: downsized by half and accordingly buffed.

- Longbeards: for an elite of 500 y.o. Dwarfs, I’ve always hated how they effectively replaced warriors and could be spammed as soon as a Barracks3 was available. They are now dynamically capped: up to 5 per maxed out province, garrisons are free - examples in the screenshots. This also helps towards the poor Greenskins being roflstomped by Dorfs, and prevents the western Dwarfs from spamming 19 LBs in one army.
- compatible with t4 towns.

- Outriders: repeater rifles’ dps was completely fictional, since the 5s reload was still made useless by a 11s animation anyway: long story short, Outriders were outgunned by Handgunners (wordplays!) on a per-gun basis, when they should be worth thrice as much. Among other buffs, effective ranged damage is dramatically increased, but they are still torn apart by foot missiles and any other cav.
+4 att/def +2 charge +3hp +10 armour +3Ld., might remove fire-whilst-moving if too killy.

- Pistoliers: likewise, 2-round burst was fictional, projectiles tweaked for proportional damage and +10 range, also +5 att/def +10 charge, +16hp, +10 armour, -4 ammo. IT DOES SOUND LIKE A LOT, but they aren't yet that much stronger than bow yeomen.

- Greatswords: -1 dmg -1 ap, +Encourage to simulate the transfer of Stubborn on nearby Detachments. See Stubborn.

- Empire Knights: +1 dmg +1 ap, +7 charge.

- Demi Knights: tweaked to troll/minotaur-size unit, lance version received more charge bonus and halberd variant repurposed for staying power. There’s probably about fifty demi knights in the whole Empire, and considering the value of a single beast, I consider this more appropriate.

- Southern Realms: Carabiniers, Riders, Lancers, Broken Lances accordingly affected.

- Eternal Guard: +5 def/att, +40$, +30ish upkeep. Didn’t like the “they’re tier 1” excuse from the start, considering they should be comparable to Longbeards (still lose to them, as supposed to). See Stubborn.

- Dryads: +4 hp/model, +4 charge. The wooden chicks get a bit more oomph to translate Hatred and some more staying power to make them passively tougher than EG.


USE THIS DISCUSSION if you'd like your own units to get Stubborn or related bow/size changes.
If you do, please post:
- For Stubborn: Unit key. I don't need anything else.
- Stats: possibly send a download link with land, main_units tables. Add whatever other required tables such as custom entities and weapons.
Last edited by Cataph; 27 Jul, 2017 @ 11:04am
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
gongoozler 28 Jul, 2017 @ 3:25pm 
Hi, Cataph, do you think hippo knights should also be immune to fatigue? Ithink they're both grail knights
Cataph  [developer] 28 Jul, 2017 @ 3:38pm 
Yeah but I think it would be too much, like giving it to Lords. Who would also be grailies.
gongoozler 28 Jul, 2017 @ 3:41pm 
BTW, I got two questions, are chaos knight chosens? Can they beat grail knight on the TT?
Cataph  [developer] 28 Jul, 2017 @ 3:49pm 
There used to be mounted chosen once. You may consider Knights a separate (and arrogant) thing, since they didn't have the one special rule that truly distinguished Chosen from Warriors.

And they were perfectly comparable to GK, keeping in mind that the latter were years behind in terms of official rules.
Solaris Vex 30 Jul, 2017 @ 9:52pm 
Hi Cataph, I've always thought it was unrealistic to have elite units like longbeards garrison minor settlements. Maybe you could add more appropriate milita units to minor settlements instead, like Free Company Militia and miners with blasting charges for emp/dwarfs respectively.
Cataph  [developer] 30 Jul, 2017 @ 11:33pm 
Yeah, been thinking about that for months, it's tempting.
Cleveland 2 Aug, 2017 @ 1:30am 
Could you please add Hawkish Finesse to Waywatchers or at the very least Waystalkers? WE archers also seem quite weak. Maybe increase their speed so it's easier to maneuver them? Also, in general I feel that a 180deg firing arc would make all ranged units more pleasant to use.
Last edited by Cleveland; 2 Aug, 2017 @ 1:32am
Solaris Vex 2 Sep, 2017 @ 8:56pm 
Cataph, have you thought of using the peasants mechanic to limit the number of elite units factions can recruit? It would have the side benefit of not bloating the settlement description.
Cataph  [developer] 3 Sep, 2017 @ 12:26am 
No, I don't want to use scripts and at a quick experiment those special peasant/knight icons don't work for other cultures.
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