License to Use Server Applications

If you purchased this game or if you own a copy in your Steam inventory, you are granted a one seat license to use our server applications in order to play/run our online games offline, locally from your computer or to host private games where other players can join. With this license, you are allowed to host your own private server using the server applications for Fasaria World Online MMO and Angels of Fasaria Online but the server data, maps and images can never be re-distributed. The clients can never be re-distributed.

All players must own a copy of this game in order to use the client or to connect to any private servers. All server owners must own a copy of this game which includes the license to host any games using the server applications we provide. Any private servers that are hosted by players that own this license must be for personal, non-commercial use only. You can not attempt to make money or profit from a server you are hosting.

The server scripts and dialog can be modified to your liking but the logos, game name and images must stay unaltered. You can also edit, remove or add content to the game’s scripts or server content however you see fit.

This license may be updated at any time. Last date updated: April 17, 2018

Terms of Use of Products and Service

Our games and servers have been re-released as is. Although we will attempt to add more content, updates, corrections and bug fixes, we can not guarantee that we will continue production or modification of these games. Our online games were all released as completed projects so you can expect to have a full game experience for either game you play.

There are a lot of things that could be fixed or improved upon for these discontinued titles that we are open to explore once again. These games are being re-released for the user to add their own creativity to the ideas and concepts we provided. Over time, we may add corrections, updates and even more content based upon user interest, feedback and activity. We will always provide customer and technical support for as long as this product is being sold, to assure that you are a happy player and customer.

Our games and servers should work fine without any issues or problems but because these are online games where you can allow others access to your computer or server, we can not be held responsible for any damage caused to your computer or network while in use of the server applications. You must agree to these terms before using the applications. By downloading the applications, it denotes that you have read and agree to these terms.

As a license holder, you must agree not to redistribute our game client in whole or in part, or the server applications we provide for you. Downloading and installing our server applications, denotes that you have read and agree to these terms.



Grant of a Limited License to Use the Service:

You may use this gaming service solely for your own non-commercial entertainment purposes by accessing it with an updated, unmodified Game Client or through an updated Web Browser. You may not use the service or attempt to run the game client for any other purpose, or in connection with any other software.

Any exploit or potential exploit must be reported to an administrator. Any use or abuse of any potential exploit, bug or error without informing an administrator may potentially get your account suspended.

To disrupt or to assist in the disruption of any computer or server used to support our services or any other player's game experience or ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE SERVICE OR OPERATION OF THE GAME OR SERVER DATABASE MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. You agree that you will not violate any applicable law or regulation in connection with your use of the Game Client or the service.

You must be at least 13 years or older to play Fasaria World Online. You agree that you are at least 13 years of age and that you have received the full consent of an adult guardian to play this game.

One account per person is allowed unless given permission by special request. Duplicate accounts are not allowed. Impersonating other players is not allowed. Impersonating an administrator or moderator is not allowed.

You may NOT sell any services, resources, guides or accounts attributed to this game. The use of derogatory or offensive language is not allowed in the game. Harassing of other players or abusive behavior is not allowed at any time. If you are caught or reported in engaging in any abusive or offensive behavior, your account may be suspended after a complete review of the situation.


An email may be requested during registration of your online account. A valid email is NOT required in order to play. Updating your email allows you to retrieve your account info in the case that it is lost or forgotten. No other personal information is required. We will never sell or distribute user information to any third party. If you access any private server outside of our own hosting services, you agree that you do so at your own discretion and risk. We assume no responsibility for any information used, gathered or service rendered by any private servers hosted by other players or any 3rd party.

This Terms of Use may be updated at any time. Last date updated: April 17, 2018