
1. About this End User Licence Agreement
1.1 This End User Licence Agreement (or "EULA") governs the relationship between you and Wargaming Group Limited, 105, Agion Omologiton Avenue, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus ("Wargaming", "we", "our" and "us") in relation to your use of the game under the title of "Master of Orion", all software contained within or transferred with the game, all updates, add-ons and/or patches thereto, all on-line components, all Alpha, Beta, trial, pre-release, free, pay and premium versions of the above, and any accompanying documentation to any of the above (collectively the "Game").
1.2 Wargaming is willing to license the Game to you only on the conditions specified in this EULA, which are absolutely necessary preconditions to the grant of this license.
2. This EULA and You
2.1 PLEASE READ THIS EULA CAREFULLY BEFORE SELECTING "YES" TO ACCEPT THE TERMS. By selecting "Yes" to accept this EULA, and/or by loading, installing, placing, copying the Game onto your computer or running the Game, you acknowledge that you have read this EULA, understand it and agree to be bound by all of its terms and conditions.
2.2 By selecting "No" or by otherwise failing to select "Yes" to accept this EULA, you decline our offer and the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to this EULA, please (a) do not attempt to install or use the Game by any means; (b) please uninstall the Game and any other materials associated with it, (c) completely delete all copies of the Game and all related files from your computer.
3.1 In return for your acceptance of this EULA, we give you the personal right (known as a 'licence') during the time this EULA is in force between you and us to download, install and play the Game. The Game is licensed and not sold to you, for private use.
3.2 This licence is:
(a) 'non-exclusive' (meaning that we can grant the same and similar licences to other people as well);
(b) 'revocable' (meaning that we can terminate this licence in certain circumstances, which are explained further below);
(c) 'personal' (meaning that you may not use the Game for any commercial purpose; you are expressly prohibited from renting, leasing, or otherwise distributing the Game or rights to use the Game);
(d) 'non-transferable' (meaning that the licence is only for your benefit and you may not transfer or sub-licence any of the rights that we grant to you to any other person); and
(e) 'limited' (meaning that you can only use the Game for the purposes we set out in this EULA); and
(f) conditional on your compliance with this EULA.
3.3 Any rights not specifically granted by this EULA remain our property. This EULA does not confer any right or title to the Game and cannot be understood as a transfer of intellectual property rights to the Game.
3.4 The term of this EULA shall commence on the date that you install or otherwise use the Game, and shall end on the earlier of the date that you dispose of the Game or this EULA is terminated. To the extent that any additional terms are incorporated in to this EULA, you will be notified and your acceptance of these additional terms will be necessary. Failure to agree to any additional terms may restrict your ability to use the Game.
3.5 The grant of license as set forth in this Section 3 is specifically conditioned upon the following:
(a) You have accepted all of the terms in this EULA;
(b) You will comply with all of the terms in this EULA until such time as you have deleted the Game from your computer;
(c) You will use the Game only on a computer, running validly licensed copies of operating systems which the Game was designed to comply with;
(d) You have allowed the Game to install the security features, and you will not remove them from the Game or from your computer unless and until you have deleted all Game files from your computer;
(e) You will refrain from using any hacks, cracks, bots, or third party software which may modify, temporarily or permanently, the code or the user experience of the Game, whether on your local computer or on servers which enable use of any Game features.
4. Patches, Updates and Changes
4.1 From time to time, we may need to deploy or provide patches, updates, additional content or other modifications to the Game (for example to enhance gameplay, to add new or update features or to resolve software bugs). You hereby accept, recognize and understand that we constantly work on further development of the Game, we improve, upgrade and update graphics, features, gameplay and any other Content of the Game in order to make the gameplay enjoyable for you.
4.2 We need to take the actions referred to in this section 4 automatically in order to keep the Game running efficiently. It is therefore not practicable to ask for your approval or even to notify you before we take these actions and you confirm that you consent to us taking these actions without your prior approval and without any prior notice.
5. BETA TESTS                            
5.1 We may give you the opportunity to beta test the Game. Your participation as a beta tester is subject to the following terms and conditions.
5.2 Closed beta tests are confidential. The Beta version of the Game, including information about features and functionality to be offered as part of the Game, are confidential. If you participate in a closed beta test, you must safeguard and prevent unauthorised access to, copying, disclosure, and unauthorised use of the Beta version of the Game. You will carry out the testing personally and not provide access to the Beta version of the Game to any other person. Your obligation to keep the Beta version of the Game confidential will continue until we publicly distribute, or otherwise disclose the Game and the content that you are testing to the public through no fault of yours.
5.3 As a beta tester, you are invited to play the Beta version of the Game for the sole purpose of evaluating the Game and identifying errors. Nothing in this EULA shall be construed as granting you any rights or privileges of any kind with respect to the Beta version of the Game. The Beta version of the Game is provided for testing on an "as is" basis and we make no warranty to you of any kind, express or implied.
5.4 When playing the Beta version of the Game, you may accumulate treasure, experience points, equipment, or other value or status indicators. We may reset this data when the Game completes this testing phase or at any time during the testing process. In this case, all player history and data will be erased and each player will return to novice status.
5.5 By starting a beta game, you agree that:
(a) playing the Beta version of the Game is at your own risk and that you know that the Beta version of the Game may include known or unknown bugs;
(b) any value or status indicators that you achieve through the gameplay may be erased at any time;
(c) we have no obligation to make this Beta version of the Game available for play without charge for any period of time, nor to make them available at all;
(d) the Beta version of the Game may be available only by subscription once the testing process is complete or at any time in the future;
(e) this EULA applies to your use of the Beta version of the Game during the testing phase; and
(f) if the beta test is a closed beta test, you will keep all information about the Game confidential as stated above and not disclose such information to any other person.
6.1 The Game, including the code, graphics, game play, user interface, audio and other content, contain proprietary information and material that is protected by copyright and other laws including but not limited to intellectual property. You agree that we own or licence all of this proprietary information and material and that you may not use or exploit any of it without our permission.
6.2 "Wargaming" and "Master of Orion" and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming. You may not use or display such trademarks in any manner, except as expressly set out in this EULA. All third party trademarks and service marks that appear in the Game are the property of their respective owners and all rights in them are reserved.
7. Epilepsy Warning
Certain people are susceptible to epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when exposed to certain flashing lights or light patterns in everyday life. Such people may have a seizure while watching certain monitor images or playing certain video games. This may happen even if the person has no medical history of epilepsy or has never had any epileptic seizures. If you or anyone in your family has ever had symptoms related to epilepsy (seizures or loss of consciousness) when exposed to flashing lights, consult your doctor prior to playing. We advise that parents should monitor the use of video games by their children. If you or your child experience any of the following symptoms: dizziness, blurred vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of consciousness, disorientation, any involuntary movement or convulsion, while playing a video game, IMMEDIATELY discontinue use of the video game and consult your doctor. Please also note that when using a video game you should take certain standard health and safety precautions, including avoiding playing the game when tired and not had much sleep, taking 10 to 15 minute breaks every hour, sitting a reasonable distance from the screen, and playing the game in a well-lit environment.
8. Warranties and Liability regarding the Game
8.1 We warrant that we have the right to enter this EULA and to grant you the licences to use the Game set out in section 3 (“LICENSE TO THE GAME”);
8.2 We shall be liable for damages with respect to injuries to health, body or life or for intentional damages caused by us, our representatives, employees or our vicarious agents or according to the applicable law.
8.3 Any further liability of us shall be waived.
9. Termination
Your rights to use the Software under this EULA: (i) may be terminated by you at any time, by removing all copies of the Game from your computer systems and by destroying the Game; (ii) may be terminated by Wargaming if it determines that you have improperly used the Game in any way, as determined in its sole discretion; or (iii) will terminate immediately without notice from Wargaming if you fail to comply with any provision of this EULA. The effect of this EULA termination may require Wargaming to take any of the following action: suspend or terminate your account(s) with Wargaming, whether those accounts are related to the Game or to other products offered by Wargaming; suspend or terminate your ability to connect to any/all online resources offered by Wargaming; and demand that you destroy your copy of the Game.
10. Governing (APPLICABLE) Law and Jurisdiction
10.1 This EULA and any dispute, claim or obligation (whether contractual or non-contractual) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by law of Cyprus.
10.2 We and you submit the aforementioned disputes to the jurisdiction of the courts of Cyprus.
11. General
11.1 The EULA governs our relationship with you. It does not create any rights for any other person, unless otherwise expressly stated in this EULA.
11.2 If any part of this EULA is held to be unenforceable, then it will not affect the enforceability of any other part of this EULA. Also, we and you agree to interpret the rest of this EULA in such a way as to reflect your and our intentions in this EULA as far as possible.
11.3 If you or we fail to exercise (or delay exercising) any right which you or we may have under this EULA, that failure or delay does not mean that we or you lose that right. If we or you only partially exercise a right or only exercise it once, that will not stop you or us from exercising it again in the future.
12. No restriction of consumers rights
The provisions of this EULA do not exclude, limit or otherwise restrict the rights vested with the consumers upon relevant provisions of the applicable law nor may be construed by anyone in this way.
13. Contact Us
If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding this EULA, please contact us at