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Weapon Reblaance For Spart's Kitbashes & Carbine MOD
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19 Jun, 2016 @ 5:27pm
1 Jul, 2016 @ 12:11am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Weapon Reblaance For Spart's Kitbashes & Carbine MOD

Loke's Weapon Rebalance with Spart's Integration

A mod aimed to compliment Spart's Kitbashes & Carbine Standalone Mod on a harder difficulty setting of the game, and give them a gameplay of their own and modified stats, together with those of vanilla in order to make the game more interesting.

Thanks to Spart's for his incredible mod and codes!

To Fully enjoy this mod, Make sure to download Spart's Kitbashes & Carbine Standlone awesome mods at:



This is my first mod for Xcom2 Hope you enjoy it!


This mod includes the following and more:

Vanilla Weapons (Information on Tier1 and all upgrades Respectively):

Revolver - Damage Increased By 1 per tier so 2-3 is now 3-4 and so on.

Sniper Rifle - Aim Bonus 5/10/10 || Shred armor 1/1/1 || Crit Bonus: 10/10/15 || PlusOne Chance %: 10/15/20

Ranger Sword - PlusOne Chance %: 10/12/15 || Shred: 1/2/3

Shotgun - Shred Armor 1/1/2 (Updated 7/1/16)


Spart's Kitbashes Mod Changes: (Last Updated 7/1/16)

Assault Battle Rifle - Aim Penalty -10 on all tiers || Base Damage +1 4-6/6-8/8-10

Assault Cannon LMG - Base Damage -1 (3-5/4-7/7-9) || Aim Bonus +5 || Clip Size +1 (4)

Marksman Rifle - (Vanilla Sniper Rifle Stats Before Changes) || Action Cost - 1 (Can Shoot after 1st move or reload) || Mobility -1

Small Pistol - (Vanilla Pistol Stats Before Changes) || +2 Mobility

Long Shotgun - Base Damage - 1 (3-5/4-7/7-9) || Ammunition - 1 (3) || Shred 1/1/2

SawedOff Shotgun - Base Damage 2-4/4-6/6-8 || PlusOne Chance 50% || Shred 1/1/1 || Aim Penalty (Usable between 1-4 Tiles from enemy Anything greater will give very heavy penalty)

Short Cannon LMG - Aim Penalty -10 || Mobility +3


Spart's Carbine Mod Changes: (Last Updated 7/1/16)

Assault Carbine - PlusOne Chance %: 10/10/25 || Pierce Armor: 1/1/2 || Aim Bonus +5

Service Carbine - Damage Range Spread +2: || Ammunition +1: 4

Machine Carbines - Damage base: -1 4/6/8 || Damage Range Spread +2: || Pierce Armor: 1/1/2 || Aim Bonus +5

Compact Carbine - Ammunition +1: 4 || (Mobility +3 Unchanged)

Automatic Shotgun - Damage Range Spread +2: 3-7/5-9/7-11 || Crit Damage Bonus Reduced: 1/2/3 (Vanilla is 3/4/5)|| Crit Chance Redcuded: 5/10/15 (Vanilla 10/15/20)

Marksman Carbine - Ammunition +1: 4 || Pierce Armor: 1/1/1 || Crit Damage Bonus +1: 3/4/5 || Aim Bonus +5


Update v1.2 (7/1/16)

This mod Now supports Spart's Carbine Mod!

Added Vanilla Shotgun shred armor. 1/1/2

Compatibility: This is a bunch of simple Ini Edits and should be compatible with every mod. (Weapon Balancing or stat changing mods may conflict resulting in some of the changes not working this should be saved game friendly and retroactive too)

Known Bugs:

Q - None of the carbine custom stats work (or at least show in the menu), but all of the others do. None of the shred/pierce show, so it can get frustrating to loadout soldiers, not sure if it is possible to show those stats.

Fix - In order to fix this, go to Spart's Carbine Mod and delete The file in the Localization Folder "XComGame.int" and delete the "XComSpartsCombatSA.ini" from the Config folder. That will fix the Stats Not taking effect & descriptions not showing.

( The Main Reason this happens is that in the load my mod is loaded first i believe then the carbine one prob because its older or i have no clue why but either way all the stats put by my mod are overwritten by the default of the Carbine MOD which are the same as vanilla, so yeah the solution above fixes that)
Popular Discussions View All (1)
8 Jul, 2016 @ 8:40am
Modified Weapon Stats
Lokerian  [author] 2 May, 2020 @ 1:58pm 
@Dirty, Sorry dirty a lot of people mentioned it doesn't work anymore i recomend you to use swr aiming angles. that one does the same as mine and is working.
Iron Mantis 27 Nov, 2017 @ 6:40pm 
whoa loke, what happened to your cover and aim angles mod. I was still using it and it was working really good lol.
Queen Victoria's Top Guy 22 Dec, 2016 @ 5:06am 
I'm completely stumped. Nothing seems to be working at all.
Queen Victoria's Top Guy 26 Nov, 2016 @ 7:19am 
I don't think it's working. No changes to the battle rifle et al and only the carbine fix seems to be working for the carbines.....I think.
Lokerian  [author] 22 Sep, 2016 @ 12:41pm 
nop. i haven't been playing xcom in a while, therefor i will not change the numbers here, but even so when i made this mod, i made sure the numbers were right. maybe today there are other moded weapons out there.

But for the most part im happy with the way it played.
Meatbang 22 Sep, 2016 @ 5:29am 
Have you considered maybe looking at the numbers again, Lokerian?
Lokerian  [author] 20 Sep, 2016 @ 5:08pm 
Meatbang 20 Sep, 2016 @ 12:00pm 
Not to completely discredit Lokerian's efforts but none of these stat distributions are appropiate for someone looking to add alternatives instead of upgrades.

It's always better to over-nerf something then over-power something.
Meatbang 20 Sep, 2016 @ 11:56am 
Horribly imbalanced, bloody hell. If you have any interested in keeping your game somewhat challenging, avoid this config as you would a Cheat Mod.
MoronicCinamun 15 Sep, 2016 @ 2:52am 
Hey so I'm testing this out, pretty cool so far.

I still don't what the point of the combat shotgun is; it has less damage, less ammo, and as far as I can tell same accuracy. I like that the rest of the weapons are more or less balanced (except for the carbines), am I missing something? Was it intended to give it more accuracy, or to give the basic shotgun less ammo and the combat more?