Day of Defeat

Day of Defeat

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Day of Defeat - Beta 3.1 for Steam - Client and Dedicated Server Setup
By SpecialistK
Time to play Day of Defeat Beta 3.1 on Steam! This guide will provide you the necessary steps for installing the client software and a dedicated server for DoD Beta 3.1. Works 100% through Steam using the latest version of Half-Life.
Widely regarded as the best and most balanced version of Day of Defeat, Beta 3.1 was released as mod for the SIERRA/WON version of Half-Life back in 2002. When Half-Life was transitioned over to Steam, Valve updated the game's exe and dll files making DoD Beta 3.1 incompatible. However, in 2009 Beta 3.1 was ported over to run with the Steam version of Half-Life by Wickit. He also created a custom installer for making setup incredibly easy. This guide will provide you the steps for installing the client mod to your existing Steam Half-Life installation (using Wickit's installer) and also the steps for setting up your own HL dedicated server (using the latest SteamCMD delivery system).

Dod 3.1 Community:

For more information on what is included in this version of the mod and more about the history of Day of Defeat, please see the information I've posted here:

Original Dod 3.1 for Steam thread:
Client Installation
You need a copy of the Steam version of Half-Life. Make sure to get the latest HL from Steam if you want to use this guide. This guide also assumes you are running both the client and server on a Windows operating system (this guide works on Windows XP, 7 and 8).

If you have an older SIERRA/WON version of Half-Life I'll be creating a separate guide for setting up DoD Beta 3.1 with that version. Please note that if you do use the old version of Half-Life you won't be able to communicate with any Steam Beta 3.1 servers.

Note that this installer will create you a new mod directory for Beta 3.1 and shouldn't interfere with any other installation of Day of Defeat (for instance if you have the latest version available from Steam installed - Version 1.3).
  1. Download Half-Life via Steam (Purchase for $10 if you don't already have it).
  2. Make sure you run the game at least once (it will create the necessary Half-Life directories needed to install the mod).
  3. Download the DoD Beta 3.1 for Steam installer.
  4. Run the installer and point it to your Half-Life installation (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life by default). This will create you a dod_31 sub-folder inside of the HL directory. If the installer hangs or crashes just restart it and it will complete.
Launching the Game:
The game won't show up by default in your Steam library so you have two options:
  • Create a shortcut to HL.exe in your Half-Life directory (by right-clicking on HL.exe and choosing "Create shortcut"). Then edit the Properties of the shortcut and add -dod_31 to the end of the "Target" parameter. When finished it should look something like this:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\hl.exe" -dod_31
    Note that you'll need to have Steam running for this shortcut to launch the game.

  • Add -game dod_31 as a launch option to Half-Life. In your Steam library, right-click on Half-Life and choose Properties / Set Launch Options. Now when you play Half-Life it will launch the DoD mod by default.
Connecting to a Server:
First Make sure you configure your name, controls, video and audio settings via the Options menu.
  • To connect to a specific IP go to Find Server / Favorites tab / Add Server. Enter in the IP address and port there. If found your server will show up under Favorites and stay there for future use (as long as the IP address doesn't change).
  • To search for other DoD Beta 3.1 servers use the Internet tab and click Refresh All. You'll only see servers running the same version of DoD as you.
Dedicated Server Installation
In order for your server to be listed on the Valve master servers (so that other players can find you via the in-game server browser) your Half-Life Dedicated Server (HLDS) must be up to date. This used to be handled by the HLDSUpdateTool which is now depricated. The new system for creating / updating a HLDS is called SteamCMD. This part of the guide will show you how to use that system and set up your server for running DoD Beta 3.1.

Most of the following steps were acquired by following the SteamCMD wiki page here:

Please note: As described in the above wiki page it is recommended you create a separate Steam account in order to host your server (for security reasons). More importantly you also won't be able to host your own HLDS server and join it with the same client account). You do not need to have any games purchased on the new account and hosting a HLDS is completely free.

Install SteamCMD for Windows:
  1. Create a folder for SteamCMD. For example: C:\SteamCMD
  2. Download SteamCMD for Windows
  3. Extract the contents of the zip to the folder you created.

Run / Update SteamCMD:
  1. Using Windows Command Prompt or Powershell navigate to the directory you created and run steamcmd.exe
  2. It will ask you to log in with your Steam Account (the one you created above). It will then update the SteamCMD client for you.
  3. Type quit when finished to close the command line client.

Download and Configure SteamCMD GUI:
  1. You can download the HLDS files using the command line (see the steps on the wiki page) but go ahead and used the SteamCMD GUI (again referenced in the wiki). You can download that here: SteamCMD GUI[]
  2. Extract the contents to a folder of your choice (I created a sub folder in the SteamCMD folder) and run the exe file.
  3. Make sure to configure the SteamCMD path, set the Server Configuration to Half-Life Dedicated Server, Login as anonymous and give it a Server Path (something like C:\HLDS-Steam).
  4. Once configured click on Update/Install and you'll see the console window open and download your server files. This will also download you the latest Counter-Strike server files (located in the cstrike folder), you can delete them if you want.

Install DoD Beta 3.1 for Steam:
  1. Run the same installer used for the client install above. Point it to your HLDS directory (For example: C:\HLDS-Steam). This will create you a dod_31 folder in that directory.
  2. Now go to the dod_31 folder and edit the file steam_appid.txt file.
    Change the value of 70 to 30. This is required since you will get an error saying your server is out of date when you try to run it!

Start your server:
Make sure you have opened the necessary ports in your Windows Firewall and also configured Port Forwarding in your router so others on the Internet can see your server! I recommend using the free software provided on to accomplish this.

To start your server you have two options:
  • Double click on HLDS.exe and you can use the HLDS GUI to configure and start your server. After configuring click Start Server. Check the Console tab and you should see "Connection to Steam servers successful."
  • Create a shortcut to HLDS.exe then edit the Target property of the shortcut to append the following options:
    HLDS.exe -console -game dod -maxplayers 22 +map dod_anzio -port 27015
At this point your clients should be able to find your server by entering your external IP address and port into their client server browser. Type in "What's my IP" into Google to find your external IP of your server.

For more information on configuring your HLDS please see the guide here:

Admin Mod / Metamod:
You can download Admin Mod here: Admin Mod[]. It is a plugin that provides enhanced HLDS features and administration (follow the included installation / configuration instructions with the download). I have been able to get these plugin's to work with this version of DoD but you will need to swap out the Metamod dll that comes with Admin Mod with a different enhanced version called Metamod-P[]. Download that and swap out the dll located in C:\HLDS-Steam\dod_31\metamod\dlls (this folder is created after you successfully install Admin Mod).

Bots for your server (Sturmbot):
Unfortunately the Sturmbot version that matches DoD Beta 3.1 is not compatible with the Steam version of Half-Life. Even with using the enhanced Metamod above it will crash your server when it tries to load the Sturmbot dll. I've been unable to get them working with Steam Half-Life.

I have been able to get Sturmbot working with the old SIERRA/WON Half-Life but that requires a different installation that can't communicate with Steam clients / servers (I'll be added a separate guide on that).

If anyone has been able to get Sturmbot working with the Steam version of Half-Life / Dod 3.1 Beta for Steam please let me know! Thanks in advance!
[Paranoid]^ 9 Jul, 2024 @ 6:26am 
I can't get this working currently. I'm using the steam legacy version of Half Life. Any other thoughts?
strizZl 10 Nov, 2023 @ 10:01am 
straxaxax 5 Aug, 2023 @ 12:49pm 
Not supported pirate version (((((((((
[Fury] 🔪💲🥶❗ zero ❗ 10 May, 2022 @ 7:48pm 
server up check it out dod 3.1 beta
✠ Tsapluuna ✠ 11 Dec, 2020 @ 12:58pm 
If anyone is interested in playing old versions of DoD together add me as your friend! Thanks!
{I-M}Taz 25 Dec, 2018 @ 8:39am 
Any one still play dod 3.1
Shakespeare 14 Dec, 2018 @ 2:14pm 
I have just tried installing 3.1 with Steam Half-Life. Got it to launch but get the following error when I try to launch a map: Fatal Error 'Mod_NumForName: sprites/blood-narrow.spr not'

Any ideas how to rememdy this? Thanks in advance.
Wojcieszy 24 Mar, 2016 @ 3:34pm 
I have cs 1.6, dod 1.3 but don't have a HL... The game will work?
misfit-zero 🍺 24 Dec, 2015 @ 1:52pm 
Thanks, your instructions worked great for client and server.
SpecialistK  [author] 18 Jun, 2015 @ 2:43pm 
Yep I've used WON2 in the past. I'll be doing a write up on that method as well. Thanks!