Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

57 ratings
The Saga of Revolution
By Amsel :D
The triumph of the Revolution, and its march to free Garry's Mod from spam.
The blight on Garry's Mod

Back in the begining of Febuary a great blight was apon Garry's Mod. Five Nights at Freddies spam was cluttering Garry's Mod, and making almost all forms of communication hopeless, as servers, workshops, and threads alike, all were filled with "FNaF" spam.

This aroused great hatred for the fans of Five Nights at Freddies, many moderates would always be overlooked, as you'll see is a common trend in this saga "People unite under hate, more than they do under compassion)

It was with this that Garry's Mod needed some sort of team-- a team of people able to intercept unrightful spam not just FNaF spam, but all spam. They needed a Leader, they needed a commander.... they needed. A Government.
The Gathering of the Founders.
On the Garry's Mod forums is where most members met eachother. I (Amsel) remember meeting many of them in different ways, and I will recall most of them here.

Magikarp: I remember first meeting him when he was being a jerk to someone on the forums, we agreed on a subject later on, and I thought it must have just been a bad first impression.

Bonkaholic: I wouldn't be introduced to Bonkaholic until much after I had met Magikarp, infact I believe that's how I was introduced.

theUSguy: I remember chatting with him often on the Off-Topic forums, and occasionally meeting him on the Garry's Mod hub.

Yxquillio: I remember meeting him casually on the Garry's Mod hub aswell.

It was through the five of us, that realized that if a group were going to come about, to stop the "FNaF" spam; it'd have to be the five of us to found it.
And it is this that leads to the founding of...
The first Republic
Founded jointly with yxQuillio and me (Amsel), we created a form of Government, that I believe goes as follows.

A President: Elected by popular user vote

A Senate: Members elected with a two thirds vote

A Chancellor: Elected by the Senate

And Judges who were to be a mix of apointed and voted for by the Senate and the users.

This group was relatively unsucessful in its endeavors, however it the strongest defence force that Garry's Mod had to offer, even if it packed little punch, it still was respected by those who even knew of its existance.

This is not the only group to appear however, Senator Magikarp decided to found his own group, a group that would quickly outnumber the "Provisional Elected Government of Garry's Mod", this group would come to be known as the "Garry's Mod Community Defence Force" more commonly known as simply the GCDF.
Founding of the GCDF
Magikarp had founded the GCDF not long after the Provisional Government's establishment, thus the ability to say he stole the idea is rather null however still plausible. It quickly gained headway, and would even begin threatening spammers very early on in their career.

This rowdy bunch of loyal Garry's Modders quickly out numbered the Provisional Government, however it lacked the unity.

They needed Unity desperately, and the Provisional Government could easily implement the same system into the GCDF to promote unity.

But of course to do this, they needed something that wasn't quite a merger, but more of an Alliance.
It was ratified soon after proposal, by a swift majority of the Provisional Government, to accept an Alliance with the GCDF. The dictator of the GCDF Magikarp accepted it on their behalf as well.
A thread was created for diplomacy called "The meeting hall", you will often find this in splinter groups, it secured the status as the most popular thread in the entire GCDF.

And so these two juggernoughts in the Garry's Mod forums created a strong alliance.
First Missions (The Golden Age Part 1)
Soon after the Alliance two of the strong leaders of the Provisional Government were made Officers in the GCDF these members were Amsel and theUSguy. The Provisional Government quickly faded to obscurity, as its members put more effort into helping the GCDF out more than its own group.

And so with the GCDF securing Hegemoney over the Garry's Mod hub, it began to launch offensives, these were called to attack the Five Nights at Freddies game hubs, and take them out swiftly.
For the most part these were succesfull, and the GCDF had many threads including one thread with over 10,000 posts deleted in the whisp of the night.
This was only the begining of the greatness that lay before the GCDF, and it certainly wouldn't be their last fight.

Inside the GCDF many things happened. YxQuillio faded into obscurity, Amsel made the phrase now used by many groups "Join the fight, Join the cause, Join the GCDF", and Bonkaholic coined the GCDF's famous Soviet style Propoganda you'll probably still find alot of in the Artwork section today.
This was a wonderful time for the GCDF, we were a close knitted band of brothers, fighting with a cause. We had Hegemony over almost all of the Steam Community, no one could fight against our Juggernought of a force, and those who spoke against us were destroyed with swift and terrible vengence.
Defender's Zenith (The Golden Age Part 2)
It is here we reach the Climax of the GCDF, it was arguably the strongest group in Steam.
Now why might this group of some 400 members be the strongest group? Simple cohesion and unity allowed for much larger and compelx attacks, enemies could be out maneuvored, and reinforcements instant.

Here we begin a turning point in the history of the GCDF, two major battles that would define us.
We'll start with the first one, as it reflects valuably on the latter.

Operation: Cossack
Led by Bonkaholic

A strategy composed by Bonkaholic suggested the crowding of a large force to spam a thread, and render it useless. Forcing moderators to lock it, and with such great numbers they couldn't pick out GCDF members as it was simply too difficult, and deleted/locking the thread would be a patch up of the "problem".

This operation was successful, and led the way for key threads to be locked within the FNaF forums, it was truly a masterpiece tactic, that nothing could break......except itself.

Operation: Tannenberg Trisect
Led by Amsel

Building off of what they had learned at Operation: Cossack the tactic was to be used in larger scale, and would consist of taking out the three most popular threads in FNaF, FNaF 2, and FNaF 3.
The operation was underway and two threads dropped, however at the final thread many members were banned before the thread was deleted, leading into heavy casualties, and many members being furious. The GCDF could've ended here, had events been slightly different.

Bonkaholic had come up with the strategy so he was a candidate for the chopping block.
Amsel led the mission, so he should've been soon to follow.

However I (Amsel) made many posts dramatisizing this disasterous event, and made it appear as if we fought gloriously for what is right, and defeated those who had done wrong, even using his ban from the FNaF 3 forums to appear as a Martyr just like those who were banned.

Bonkaholic's reputation was saved, however Amsel's reputation would never fully recover from the incident. On many occasions users got close to demanding Amsel be removed from staff, but whenever people would get to rowdy Bonk would personally apologise for the mission, a truly honrable thing to do.

The two had worked together to save the GCDF, and it wouldn't be their last time to do so.
White Monsoon (The Golden Age Part 3)
"What is White Monsoon?" Many people have asked me, mostly the newer members these days.
White Monsoon was the greatest victory the GCDF would ever win, it was completely decisive, and raised moral almost too much, group pride was at an all time high, but the answer still remains....What is Operation: White Monsoon?

Operation: White Monsoon
Led by Bonkaholic

A fan group for the YouTuber Venturian Tale was being overrun by Five Nights at Freddies fans almost every thread was talking about it, it might as well have been an FNaF group.
However a member approached the GCDF requesting they help him and those who weren't die hard fans of FNaF who had to spam it everywhere.
Bonkaholic came up with a plan. They would all strike and occupy spammy FNaF threads, and the group chat and promote the GCDF and anti-spam.

However the group started resulting in spamming even good threads, it was getting disasterous. They just couldn't keep themselves together, and soon their spam was just as bad as the FNaF spam. After an Announcement by the group's Administration team, and an anti-spam Civil War invoking, the group was cured. A group of 400 had won against a group of 7,000.

But how could they do this?
With cohesion and snappy reflexes the GCDF was able to pool its men into threads and quickly over run them, they seemed to be every and no where. This was the greatest victory the GCDF had ever seen. After this, the tactics were hailed as unflawed, and timeless.

Chants of "Glory to the GCDF!" where almost jamming the GCDF forums up completely, the group had unfathomable moral, and unmatched combat techniques.
Internal Disputes
Many had agrued against the spammy ways of the GCDF's tactics, even though they were highly succesful, they were morally flawed. Whenever the GCDF would do something, a few members would quickly act out against it, most likely seeking attention.

The GCDF was still in its high from White Monsoon, but the administration and some unloyal members would always have to duke it out, whenever something was going to be done, such as attacking a spam thread within Garry's Mod, or reporting rule breaking workshop submissions.

Bonkaholic and Amsel had to step up, and stop the disputes from snowballing into disaster, it took alot of work, but the GCDF was still able to keep itself together.

A phrase was coined during this time

"Unity Created us.
Unity will lead us
Unity is us"

This was the secret to the GCDF, they would never be able to pull of their maneuvors if they had to debate amongst themselves. Those words would prove hollow in the the weeks to come.
Easter Entente (Writing on the Wall part 1)
Since White Monsoon many attempts at launching glorious attacks didn't prove as wonderful.
However they still could hold up to Scrutiny even after getting worse.
However Amsel and Bonkaholic planned their next master offensive.

Operation: Easter Entente

It was Easter Day when Easter Entente came up with its plan, they would attack a spammy insignificant group, and knock it out of commision.
So they began the announcement, however there was trouble!

Many members such as Rayheat and Reimu began rebelling agaisnt the mission.
With Bonkaholic and Amsel being preoccupied attacking the group, the Anarchists managed to gain a following, and spread lies about the administration, and nearly every single member refused to join in on the attack.

It was a disaster, the days of counter spamming were over, now was the time of reckoning, when the group had to spend some time recovering.
Winged Hussar (Writing on the Wall part 2)
In order to understand the fall of the GCDF, one must first learn about the principles and operations of an Operation called Winged Hussar.

Winged Hussar
Led by Bonkaholic.

This operation was planned to attack a group run by an enemy named "Fred Bear" it was a disgusting group promoting everything that the GCDF stood against, the Operation was created the day Magikarp came back from vacation. There was little plan other than to spam the group into oblivion.

The mission carried out as it was supposed to, but the number of protesters of the disasterous spammy ways of the GCDF had reached critical mass. Even though we had won against Fred Bear, the amount of lies and spam from the people who said they hated spam was over whelming.

Somehow this triumph had become a defeat, and what would happen next was uncertain.
Assembly of the Members (Writing on the wall part 3)
With the illogical anti-spam members spamming so much during any operations, it was seen as impossible to continue any further operations.

And thus it was on the evening Winged Hussar took place, that the GCDF found itself in a caucus debating how to adapt to the rapid changes that were happening.
Disolvation of Denfensoris Maximus
With the crisis continuing, and no end in sight, Reimu and his patsies decided to start dissolving the GCDF. The plan was to create a new group called the TCO, that would take the place of the GCDF, but be more organized and have a buffer group and only accept new members.

This scheme might have worked, had there not been serious problems, and over sights with the plan. Such as the following:

#1 The moderators would get positions of ownership, and officers.
Normally this wouldn't be that bad, but the fact the moderators were the main ones to start the anti-spam propaganda, simply raised suspicion, many members called the plan "Reimu's Coup", in his attempt to seize power.

#2 The group would be too small.
The GCDF was large and powerful, because no matter who you were it gave you a flag to fight under, and accepted new members with open arms. This would just spur elitism, trolls would flood the buffer group, and personal vendettas would destroy the chance of anyone entering the TCO even if they're well meaning.

#3 The GCDF didn't need to be dissolved.
The GCDF was hitting a rough patch any with some quick anti-spam reform, would be back in its fighting glory. However Reimu was in a blatant power grab, and wouldn't allow it.

Even with these faults, they decided to try and put this plan into action.
The Vote
Reimu and his other patsies decided it would be a good idea, to assert themselves and call a vote about the formation of the TCO (Which Reimu has now made, removing the possibility of Magikarp retaining his just rule over the group.).

So a vote was held on a thread in the GCDF, (Hosted by yours truly) and the score was close, a few more votes were left to be called, however the pro TCO side decided to end the vote there and then, claiming they had won, even though there were still a few votes left to be called.

An interesting fact is that the GCDF was founded as a Consulship, meaning that the three consuls in the group would get to choose what happens, these included.


The vote was originally intended for the 3 consuls, however Reimu and his crew knew this wouldn't be a sure victory, seeing as the consulship was already vocal enough.

Magikarp: Abstain
Amsel: Pro GCDF
Bonkaholic: Pro TCO

This would tie, meaning the new plan wouldn't take effect.
Even upon allowing Moderators to vote aswell, their victory wouldn't take affect, after a future survey to the undecided moderators, it was discovered they were pro GCDF.
Unfortunately though, Reimu called the vote early, and the thread was deleted, erasing all proof of the vote.
GCDF Terminus
The GCDF was decided to be kept as a museum, and frozen (locking all new posts), effectively killing a group which could easily have survived.

It seemed all hope was lost, the GCDF was just going to be done away with under the cover of night, Fred Bear had won, it would take something big to save the GCDF, it would take something unexpected.
The Petition (The Petitionaries part 1)
It was after the group war declared dead, that a man approached me (Amsel) and asked me what was happening. I explained about the rigged vote, and he asked if there was anything we could do. I suggested going out an saying what happened, and eventually we decided to make a petition to save the GCDF.

We made the petition together, and got alot of support, even from inactive members, it seemed that we might actually be noticed.

The man, no hero's name was The Green Champion.
Finally a triage of Me, Champion, and Nukes were working to stop the GCDF from dissolving.
Negotiations (The Petitionaries part 2)
With the Petition gaining fame throughout the GCDF, Magikarp approached me and we negotiated.

It was official, I would get the GCDF and run it under the name of the Petitionaries, and Magikarp/Reimu would get to work on the TCO, we'd be strong allies.

Magikarp simply said, once he woke up he'd transfer control of the group.
Betrayal (The Petitionaries part 3)
Magikarp had returned to his PC, and it was time for the Petitionaries to lead the GCDF.
Amsel messaged Magikarp and after a bit of small talk, I started bringing up the GCDF and Petition, finally he responded with statements such as.

"I want an announcement saying to join the TCO every hour."

"I don't want the GCDF to call itself an ally of the TCO, I want it to call itself a subsidiary."

and the straw that broke the camels back.

"I still want to control the GCDF, while you guys do all the work."

We accepted the first two, however at the last it was clear he was just going to keep pushing us until we were gone. We refused, and a downward spiral commenced.

Magikarp abandoned the GCDF, and then tried to destroy those who sought to save it.
The Civil Dispute
The group now calling itself "The Revolution" and not the Petitionaries, was talking to members, about what had happened, in the turn of events many things happened.

Magikarp demoted Amsel from an Officer to Moderator.
Magikarp claimed the Revolution was over.
Many members created new groups.

After continuing to not submit to Magikarp, Magikarp claimed Amsel had resigned from the GCDF, when in reality he had demoted him.
The Revolution had not died out, however Nukes had decided he wasn't on either side, believing the Revolutionaries were power hungry, and Magikarp was Childish, his opinion is disagreeable, but fair.

The members of the Revolution were still around, and in this new chaos, the GCDF found a new "enemy" that they had to stop.

The Revolution, even though it hadn't taken control of the GCDF, had breathed life into the GCDF.
Had the group had a proper leadership (As the Revolutionaries planned to be) the group to this day, would be a juggernaught, with 1,000+ members.

But it didn't end with such a happy ending.
And those who were scorned would fight back.
Viva La Revolution! (Revolution part 1)
Back when Amsel was a moderator, he created an announcement, telling all the people in the GCDF to rise up, against the unfair leadership, and work for the better of the GCDF.

The members heard this call, and began revolting, even though Amsel had been demoted from Moderator to User, under the lie of "resigning".

Members all over the GCDF were peacefully protesting the decision of Magikarp, and the fact Magikarp took control over the GCDF after seeing the Revolution gave it life, in his power hungry ways.
Cast aside (Revolution part 2)
Censorship was at an all time high, all members of the Revolt were kicked from the group, and it seemed that hope was lost. The RCDF was created in this time period, as an attempt to keep the cohesion and Unity the GCDF needed for survival.

The Revolution couldn't compete, even though Magikarp had lost support even from his patsies such as Reimu. The Revolution it seemed, had lost.
Payback (Revolution part 3)
With the Revolution in shambles, and the GCDF becoming a police state, it seemed little would be accomplished, as everyone knew the TCO would never be able to take off from where it was.

However a man who goes by the name of REDACTED, would be would be the Revolutions chance, to get the revenge they needed, and deal the knock out blow.
They would need, an Operation with no name, they would need.

Operation: Payback
Led by the Revolutionaries.

Operation payback would take place in a multipronged strike.
REDACTED who was a moderator in the GCDF, and an officer in the TCO would be the key person in this.

Using his power he would make Amsel an officer in the TCO (As they left him as a member in the group.)

REDACTED would delete threads in the GCDF to cause confusion, it was discussed whether or not to delete historical threads aswell. Ultimately it was decided to spare sentimental threads such.

The threads were deleted.
And Amsel began a spree of kicking all the members in the TCO, changing the group avatar to the RCDF logo, changing the group URL (To stop advertisements), and changing group information.

This was carried out perfectly, and the groups were in chaos, Bonk would inform Magikarp and REDACTED was demoted from the group.

The Revolution, had left a mark that the GCDF and TCO couldn't wipe off.
Aftermath of the Surviving Powers
The RCDF has grown three times its size since the grand Revolution.
It is now leaded by Amsel, Green Champion, and REDACTED. Who are known as the leaders of Revolution.

The GCDF since the time of this writing, has lost 100 members, and has done nothing new.

The TCO recovered its members, and has grown partially since the Revolution, but the group made no new attempts at anything, as is a completely useless group.
Current State of the RCDF and GCDF
The GCDF, is slowly dying, and is expected to be completely disbanded soon.

The RCDF has been gaining members rapidly, and is expected to reach thousands of users.
Only the RCDF has conducted any operations, since the Revolution.
Afterthoughts on the Events Previously Told
We all regret the inability to have kept the GCDF together, and the loss of many friends, we all wish the vote had been normal, and Reimu wouldn't have had his splinter group.
We all regret and wish there were another way, some way we all could have stayed together, as the defenders of Steam, but members were left with no other choice but to revolt.

A tough decision was that to leave the announcements and historical threads alive.
If they were deleted, the GCDF would most likely be down 300 members by now, and the RCDF would be up many more, however if it hadn't been written the RCDF would have lost its history.
If those threads and announcements were deleted this story wouldn't even exist.

It's funny how small things can make such a big difference.
History in the Making
The Revolution is not over, the GCDF exists, and there is spam to fight.
The next few months are uncertain, however it is with confidence that we know all members of the RCDF will help us in creating new grand stories of the victories of the true GCDF.
We all wish for a return to the glory days of the GCDF, however different methods, create different means.

We all need you, the person reading this to help the RCDF, the true GCDF, to stop the spam, and make this a better community for us all.

Will you.

Join the fight.
Join the cause.
Join the GCDF.
A Special thanks to
The Green Chamion
I never would have been inspired to save the GCDF, had it not been for you. My debt to you is unfathomable, and I can't help but smile every time I think of how selflessly you've acted, to help us all.

Dean Gullberry (User is no longer redacted)
For giving us all the chance to do what's right, and saving the Revolution, that was started in uncertainty.

For still being friends with me even though we have our disagreements.

Reimu and Magikarp

For showing what you guys are really like, so I don't have to put up with your garbage anymore.

Doing only what you thought was right.


For asking to be in the credits. <3

For Whomboing, in any Combo.

Arstrozka Man
For standing loyally with the Revolution, through it all.

This guide couldn't exist, without your help.

Join the fight.
Join the cause.
Join the RCDF.
#RuthkandaForever 24 May, 2017 @ 10:50am 
Shypigeon 24 May, 2017 @ 10:50am 
nice necro faggot
#RuthkandaForever 24 May, 2017 @ 10:50am 
you guys are still doing this goofy roleplaying shit? just stop already.
Frosty Smoothy 3 Feb, 2017 @ 11:30am 
Kazakh V3 8 Nov, 2016 @ 8:23am 
Shypigeon 8 Nov, 2016 @ 8:10am 
blueshark 17 May, 2016 @ 10:27am 

But the RCDF and GCDF kinda look the same, But, Eh I might as well join the Revoloutuion, But it reminds me of the Revoloutuion in the Russian Empire
Defunct Profile 26 Nov, 2015 @ 6:20am 
Interesting history
curdie 1 Nov, 2015 @ 12:41pm 
Viva la Revolution!
Amsel :D  [author] 29 Sep, 2015 @ 3:43pm 