PC Based Arcade Cabinet
"This is a factory build arcade machine named Vertigo from VPCabs. They produce machines rooted on virtual pinball, then add popular MAME titles while leaving the door open for adding more. The Vertigo's cabinet design plays well, saves space and this Back-to-the-Future wrap makes it rock. The original film, Back to the Future and lead actor Michael J. Fox, are a favorite of mine and many. The first of this BTTF cabinet was auctioned to benefit the research of Parkinson's through the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

This Vertigo cabinet sits a little low while standing at 6' tall. It plays better while sitting, however the upper screen starts to loose intensity at a lower angle. Pinball plays well on the 32" screen while MAME games feel over-sized or ballooned. I'd prefer a scale-down for the low pixel classics. I anticipate a hunt to track down the Steam applications that play vertically. For some reason vertically dominant or capable tags are not in place at the Store."
h4tfan  [author] 21 Oct, 2022 @ 4:08pm 
Thanks, I've truly loved this cabinet. So compact and approachable.
Darkendone 21 Oct, 2022 @ 5:50am 
Very nice! :pinball_machine: