

40 ratings
Qareembrole's Eltimate Tystopia Cuide
The ultimate guide to winning in dystopia. From the winner of the dystopia fortress draft tournament and the most indie startup of all time among other things.
Quit using WASD
Start up Dystopia, move around, look at your fingers, now look at them. What do you see? If I were you I would see the pitiful mainstreamocity of WASD, but if you want to be a winner, if you want to be hip and Professional, you want to move those around. Delete your keybindings, put your pinky finger on the q key, your ring finger on the e key, your index finger on the t key, and your middle finger on the c key.

Do you feel that?

That is the feeling of victory, of the number one rule to ruling dystopia, QETC.
Easily change your binds.
Now that you have cut your ties to the past. You must look forward to the future of being a true Professional. If you needed to know to change to QETC, you probably need to know where your config is as well.

You can find your config by going to your steam folder -> steamapps -> accountname -> dystopia -> dystopia -> cfg -> config. Open it up and get rid of your trash, or just let the new settings overwrite it. The most imporant binds to copy and paste are as follows.

bind "q" "+moveleft"
bind "e" "+forward"
bind "t" "+moveright"
bind "c" "+back"

Now startup dystopia, get in the lonely pub server and move around. You are beginning to move like a champion, but you may be thinking of one thing.

Crimbrole, what do i do with my old trash movement keys? The answer to this question is rather simple. Bind these keys to some priority actions, but which ones? that is for you to decide, that is the power of Modularity that QETC gives. Over in the next section are some tips to ease you into the sheer awe of these binds.
Transition Flawlessly
My friends, your journey to the subterranean power of QETC has not yet begun. Changing your keys is not enough, you must practice using them. Now that there are no tournaments to test your mettle in Dystopia, you will have to settle with pubstars.

You have to learn to walk again with these new binds. Once you are able to move with the same flexibility that you were accustomed to with default binds, that is when the true indieness begins, You will now be able to move with a greater precision while simultaneously saying that you don't think so to your sister. Most importantly, you will win Dystopia, and that is why you're here isn't it. However, there is more.
Continue to QETC
Your journey to underground binds does not have to stop with Dystopia. With a rudimentary understanding of QETC for one game you can now bring these devastating binds to new frontiers. Other first person shooters can use QETC like dystopia with varying levels of success; however, QETC is not bound to this genre, you can even go to the latest of the indie mainstream genre's, I am of course talking about MOBAs.

QWER? Try QETC with that and watch your last hits go out the ass while you stack creep while skillfully evading enemy hooks.

And once you have mastered QETC with all genre's, you may find something truly Independent, something greater than that which you have become accustomed to. That is the joy of QETC, of being indie in a world of defaults.
QETC  [author] 17 Nov, 2021 @ 10:09pm 
M 17 Nov, 2021 @ 8:45pm 
So that's how your name was made? :asciiterror:
Shiro 26 Jun, 2015 @ 5:29pm 
sorry, messed with translation... well its not very comfortable bind, i now understand why here so little TRU game pros :)
QETC  [author] 26 Jun, 2015 @ 3:50pm 
the ring finger
Shiro 26 Jun, 2015 @ 3:31pm 
wait.. if pinky finger is on Q, index finger on T and middle finger on C, which finger is on E? or you messed and middle finger is on E?
weaf 31 May, 2015 @ 2:30pm 
weaf cured me of cancer
QETC  [author] 31 May, 2015 @ 10:09am 
I know what is best for me, you, and everyone else. WEAF is not the solution for any of those.
weaf 31 May, 2015 @ 9:52am 
weaf4lyfe crim doesn't know what's best for him
QETC  [author] 11 Nov, 2014 @ 5:51pm 
its no qetc, but at least it isnt wasd
GRRRRRRRR 10 Nov, 2014 @ 9:47am 
I really liked this guide but I'm gonna ignore all that qetc :poop:
