Kingdoms and Castles

Kingdoms and Castles

114 ratings
Getting Started and other General Information
By -lizitiss- and 1 collaborators
This Guide has basic building info, Tips, and advice to help you start off your Kingdom with Success!

This is an English Translation of another guide that was written in Japanese. I obtained permission from the author to translate and add to his work. The original giude can be found here.
Basic UI Information
Main UI

① The Total Population of The City

② Number of People Idling/Not Working
You need people to build and work, so you want this number to always be higher than 0

③ Housing Space.
You need housing to increase your population. 1 citizen takes up 1 housing. Excess housing leads to growth, less housing shrinks the population. If the population and housing are equal, no new people will arive.

④ Happiness
Higher happiness means the people who visit are more likely to stay. Low happiness makes current residesnts leave. Happiness is calculated per house, averaged, then tweeked with modifiers to get the number your see. Events, buildings, and access to resources can modify a house's or the average town happiness.

⑤ Show / Hide Happiness
Graphically show / hide the happiness value of each house on the map.
Green(Ecstatic)> Yellow(Ok)> Red(Sad/Upset)

⑥ Current number of wood stockpiles

⑦ Current number of stone stocks

⑧ Food.
Shows current amount in storage out of max. Can hover over for extra details.

⑨ Ammount of Gold
It is up to 1000 gold / Treasury, add Treasury's as necessary.
You can see the balance of income by matching the cursor.

⑩ Current Amount of Charcoal
Can hover over for extra details.

⑪ Amount of iron

⑫ Tools
Although the number tools is likely to be overlooked, it is possible to select the use purpose of the tools by matching the cursor. Allowing a Forester, Quarry, or Mine to use tools ups efficency.
Adjust these here when you want to remove disturbing rocks.

⑬ Number of Armerments/Weapons Stored
Used to train Soldiers

Residential Building UI

Heads of Household and Residents:Residents are the amount of people in a house / total housing space. Heads of Households procure foodstuffs and charcoal to maintain housing . You can check whereabouts with the magnifying glass icon

Demolish: Self Explainitory(Get rid of Building)

Happiness: Happiness

Tax Value: Shows the unhappiness from taxes and the amount of money you make from the house

Food: Shows the amount of food stored in the house. Refilled by Heads of House

Charcoal: Amount of Charcoal stored in the house. Charcoal is used to heat the house and
provides happiness.

Building Bonuses:Shows if a building modifier is benifiting the house. Green ✔ is positive, red ✘ is no benifit

Utillity Building UI

Workers: Number of citizens working here/max number of workers. You can check whereabouts with the magnifying glass icon

Open: Used to open/close the building to spare workers or slow flow of resource.
☑ operating, ☐ not operating

Demolish: Self Explainitory(Get rid of Building)

Info-area:Displays information for what the biulding is producing and what it consumes

Production/Activation Button:Some Biuldings have another button at the bottom. It usually consumes gold or a resource to activate an effect or produce something.
Examples inclue--Thithes at Churches, Festivals at plazas, Lower and raise taxes in the treasury, train soldiers and generals, or select good production in the blacksmith

Citizen UI
Citizens can master 3 skills, working speed and efficency increase with skill level, and they die when they get old

Hero Unit UI
Health of Army he is leading. Increase health with more soldiers in army.

Recruit:When near barracks you can recruit soldiers to follow this hero into combat

NOTE:The hero unit is a general. Troops follow him. Dont let him die.

Information Balloons
Advisers have "advice" to give you or want to say something.

This citizen is homeless either because you or a monster destroyed their home.

This citizen is hungry due to lack of food in house.

This citizen is starving due to lack of food in house.

This citizen is suffering from a plague, needs a plaque docter from a hospital to heal.

This citizen has recovered from whatever was ailing it and is happy again.

Castle Building Basics
Description of Buildings Use
Construction Info
Residence of the King. It cannot be removed and you can only biuld one. Your advisers
advise you from here. Changes what it looks lioke as more castle biuldings are built
Stone Gate
Allows Citiaens through and keeps monsters out
Cost:15 Wood, 40 Stone
Castle Block
Used to build walls of a castle. Enimies cannot pass through them, but they will atack it.
You can place towers on top for defence. They can be stacked three higher then the adjecent wall.
Cost:5 Wood, 15 Stone
Archer Tower
Faster but weaker than Ballista Tower. Base damage of 40. Shorter Range.
Location:Castle Block
Cost:25 Wood, 5 Stone, 20 Gold
Maintenance:4 Gold / Year
Ballista Tower
Slower but stronger than Archer Tower. Base damage of 50. Longer Range.
Location:Castle Walls
Cost:35 Wood, 5 Stone, 10 Gold
Maintenance:6 Gold / Year
Condition:Chanber of War built
Stores the Tax you place on your people, up to 1000 per treasury. Allows you to tax your people.
Cost:10 Wood, 50 Stone
Chamber of War
Allows you to train Hero's. Unlocks more buildings.
Cost:25 Wood, 75 Stone, 75 Gold
Great Hall
Cost:35 Wood, 150 Stone
Turns land into water. Can demolish to get land back. Slows down invaders
Cost:25 Gold
Condition:Chamber of War
Farmers can be nurtured into soldiers. Click on the building to train soldiers. Five gold armor 2 is necessary per person. Soldiers need to be under the command of a hero unit.
Cost:35 Wood, 100 Stone, 50 Gold
Condition:Chamber of War
Town Building Basics
Description of Buildings Use
Construction Info
Citizens move faster
Cost:1 Wood
Roads but over water. Does not satasfy happiness roads give
Cost:2 Wood
Frugal Housing. Capacity 5, Household Heads 1
Cost:5 Wood
Ordinary Housing. Capacity 25, Household Heads 2
Cost:25 Wood, 5 Stone
High Quallity Housing. Capacity 25, Household Heads 4
Cost:50 Wood, 35 Stone, 25 Gold
Happiness is lowered unless it is installed around houses. Also reduces the chance of fire burning down a building.
Cost:5 Wood, 10 Stone
Happiness increases in the surrounding area. You can click on the building and donate. There is no special effect.
Cost:50 Wood, 85 Stone, 50 Gold
Happiness greatly increases in the surrounding area.
Cost:15 Wood, 30 Stone, 30 Gold
Maintenance:12 Gold / Year
Town Square
Happiness increases in the surrounding area. You can hold a festival by clicking on the building. Holding festivals will increase the urban happiness by 15 with a rate of 25 per once, and have the effect of attracting new residents. When holding a festival at the same time in multiple plazas, the effect accumulates.
Cost:20 Wood, 10 Stone
Happiness increases in the surrounding area.
Cost:25 Wood, 15 Stone
Maintenance:10 Food / Year
Treat patients with plague.
Cost:10 Wood, 40 Sotne, 10 Gold
Turns Water to land for more biulding space. It is not an agricultural land.
Cost:25 Wood, 50 Gold
Lord Levi Statue
Guardian of the forest. Trees will grow around the statue, and the grow quickly.
Cost:150 Stone, 200 Gold
Food Building Basics
Description of Buildings Use
Construction Info
Produces food. It can be built only on green agricultural land, dark green is fertile and production is increased. Can become flooded. Production volume can be increased by Windmills.
Cost:3 Wood
Produce food. It can be installed only on green agricultural land, dark green is fertile and production is increased. Cannot flood. There is no effect of the Windmill.
Cost:15 Wood
Small Granary
Stores food for later.
Cost:15 Wood, 5 Stone
Stores food for later.
Cost:50 Wood, 30 Stone
Increase the efficiency of farms next to it. Production volume will increase by 3 per farm. There is no effect in orchards.
Cost:25 Wood, 35 Stone
Bakes bread. Change food 1, charcoal 1 to bread 4(4 food). It is effective at the end of the game, when changing farmland to residential land.
Cost:25 Wood, 25 Stone
Smooth the distribution of food and charcoal. Employees in the market reduce the travel distance of head of household by collecting ingredients and charcoal in one place. Effective when hungry occurs when the distance between the house and the granary is far away.
Cost:25 Wood, 25 Stone, 10 Gold
Industry Building Basics
Description of Buildings Use
Construction Info
Produces Stone. Must be built next to Gray Stone. Happiness decreases if you make it adjacent to a house due to noise.
Cost:15 Wood
Produces Wood
Cost:15 Wood, 5 Stone
Small Stockpile
Small material storehouse.
Cost:7 Wood, 3 Stone
Material storehouse.
Cost:30 Wood, 15 Stone
Charcoal Maker
Changes 1 wood to 2 charcoal. Charcoal is used for the heating of houses, in the bakery, and in the blacksmith. Happiness decreases if you put it next to a house to smoke.
Cost:15 Wood
Iron Mine
Produces Iron. Does not make noise
Cost:25 Wood, 5 Stone
Turns iron and charcoal into Tools, or Weapons
Cost:25 Wood, 50 Stone
Repairs structions after attacks. Does not rrepair rubble.
Cost:10 Wood, 20 Stone
Rock Removal
Removes Black or Gray Rocks from the map.
Cost:30 Wood, 30 Stone, 10 Tools
Early Game Flow
Castle installation
First set up a Keep.
Although the location of the keep can be anywhere, close to the forest is better because to construct future houses and farms, you need trees for wood.
Consider access to the quarry to start cutting stone afterwards.
Since iron is used after you have developed to a certain extent, you do not have to think much about iron. As long as its not super far away, you are good. Closer is still beter.
The white rock is a quarry, the brown rock is iron, and the black rock is a simple obstacle.

Installation of roads, houses, farms and logging of trees
Since buildings can only be installed in the area of ​​3 squares from the road, first make a road and set up a hovel or two along that.
Buildings do not necessarily need to be adjacent to the road, but happiness decreases if houses are not adjacent to the road.
Also, even if the house is isolated, the happiness will be lowered, so it is better to install it next to it.
Farms can only be set on green land. Dark green is a fertile land with bonus to harvest.
Since the first materials are exhausted quickly, cut down nearby trees and increase the population a bit while securing timber.

Installation of a quarry
Once resources are gathered to some extent, a quarry is set up to secure stone.
This will allow you to build up buildings that need stones.
Up to two quarry plots can be installed for one gray rock.
Also, if you make it adjacent to a house, it will lower happiness

Installation of a well and a charcoal maker
The well supplies water.
Happiness will decrease if there are no wells near the house.
It will also be scattered throughout the map as it will also be a source of water to fight fires.
A charcoal maker makes charcoal from wood.
Happiness will decrease if there is no charcoal supply in the house.
If you place a charcoal maker next to a house, it will produce smoke and lower your happiness.

Installation of granary and material storehouse
Food and materials can be stocked in the castle, but the amount is limited.
When it gets overflowing, install a granary and stockpile as necessary.
Produced food are first reserved in the granary.
Each house has a household head and the house's supplies are gone, they go to the granary or market. Market has higher priority.
Therefore, if the distance between the house and the granary / market is too long, replenishment will not be completed in time and hunger will occur.
The annual balance of ingredients can be confirmed by pop-up from the bottom of the screen.

Set up treasury
Tax collecting is possible by installing treasurt.
This will allow you to set up buildings that require gold.
The tax rate can be adjusted between 0 and 3.
When money does not accumulate, it is better to review expenditure rather than raise income.
You can see the annual balance of money by pop-up from the bottom of the screen.

Development of the city
Churches , libraries and taverns increase the happiness of residents.
The plaza attracts new residents by holding festivals.
The hospital restores the disease.
The wharf can be diverted to the site of the building by reclaiming the waterside.

The orchard cannot be flooded with rain. However, production is higher in the farm.
The windmill raises the efficiency of the farms next to it. There is no similar effect in orchards.
Bakery makes bread. You can make 4 bread from one food and one charcoal. It seems to be useful for making thousands of urban populations because it is thin at the beginning but can cut down farmland and make it a residential building.
The market functions as a relay point between the house and the granary.
Levi image grows trees around. Helps if you cut down too many trees or need more..

The forestry should be built before clearing a forest, as the trees can be regenerated.
Mines mine iron.
The blacksmith processes the iron along with charcoal and makes armor or tools. Weapons can be used to train soldiers, tools can be used for efficiency in a quarry, mine, or forestry. It is possible to choose whether to make armor or tools. In addition, the use of tools can be selected from the information column at the bottom of the screen.
The mason restores the damaged wall.
Rock removal removes black rocks. Quarry and mine can also be removed so it can be broken according to supply and demand.

Stone Gate does not let vikings through, only citizens.
The wall blocks the intruder. Ogre will destroy the wall but must first land and therefore aim for the wall. Long-term surrounding around the coastline to prevent the landing itself is a good stratagy.
Solutions to Issues / Tips
There are always hungry buildings
Review the location conditions. If the distance from the granary to the residence is far away, the replenishment will not be completed in time and the food will be depleted. Establish farms and granaries in the vicinity or set market and allow immediate replenishment.

There is a possibility of a bug if the hunger continues despite the location and stockpile problems.
Householders are stuck somewhere and food is not being supplied. Select the building and push the magnifying glass of Heads of Household to find out where the head of household is. If it is exhausted, residents with a mark on the head should be going back and forth between the granaries and the houses. The strange places are zoomed in, and if there is no movement it is stacking there.

Buildings are not completed at all
There is no working dweller. If you select a building you will know the number of people engaged there. If 0, no one has worked. Pause any facility and make workers. To pause, select any facility and uncheck Open. If there is a worker but it is not completed, there is a possibility that the worker is in the same stack state as above or waiting for resources.

Fire fighting can not make it in time.
There is no waterfront nearby. Install wells at regular intervals or make a moat.

The harvest does not make it in time.
The size of the agricultural land and the size and distance of the granary are not consistent. When the nearest granary is full, we head for stockpiles to a far granary. The next cultivation starts in the spring, all the crops of last year disappear. You do not have to worry if you do not have hunger.

The tower does not attack
You most likely have no money. Since there is no money there is no shooter.
Money is necessary every year for the operation of the tower. You ca stop it when there is no raid.

I dont have enough money

Probably not enough revenue or too much military spending. When building a tower, it quickly turns into a deficit. Check the balance of income and expenditure to find the source of the deficit. To increase your income, you should increase the population rather than raise the tax rate. If funds drop to a certain extent, you can also create multiple plazas, raise the tax rate, open the festival and give a feeling of fortunate happiness.

Small skill at the waterside

Continuing alternating with [Moat + Bridge] - [Road] - [Moat + Bridge] - [Road]. It will cost you money, but you can earn both the road and coast bonus even inland.
Other Guides / Sources of Information
NOTE:This is a section I am adding that the original author did not have. It will link you to other guides or sources that have personally helped me or are informative and worth looking at.

Other Steam Guides
Farms and Armis Guide
How to find a perfect Start Location
Kingdoms and Castles Achievment Giude

Non-Steam Giude Sources
Kingdoms and Castles Wiki[]
Kingdoms and Castles Official Discord (Link Might Not Work)[]

rojogames371 10 Apr, 2023 @ 10:07pm 
i can't figure out how to begin.
le place down keep.
build food.
build house.
suddenly all of the resources have disappeared, and there are no workers.
McRoma 6 Jul, 2021 @ 2:19am 
my war hall has nothing about heros, so ive trained swordsman but cant do anything with them
Peter_9006 25 Jan, 2021 @ 4:11pm 
In my first game of Kingdoms and Castles, I cut down all the trees in the area, resulting in me never having wood again.
ladyof_life74 14 Jan, 2018 @ 4:13pm 
Is there any "quick tabs" to use other than a mouse?
rudeus 30 Dec, 2017 @ 10:21pm 
how do you install updates? i'm very very VERY confused, someone please help me!
SlowDancer 25 Nov, 2017 @ 11:05am 
My problem was the tax rate, I did not see how much it was taking. After figuring the tax button cycle from 0 to 3, I managed to balanced hapiness again. Aiming for the 5k population now!
-lizitiss-  [author] 23 Nov, 2017 @ 1:16pm 
For happiness, do you have churches and libraries nearby. Make sure the manor is getting resources as that is a common bug/issue. Also, you can turn every other path into a moat with a bridge toi give eact house the "beach" bonus and still have them keep the "has road" bonus like I what was done in the "Small Skill at Waterside" picture. Other than that, churches, lib raries, taverns, town squares, wells, and resources are easiest way to increase happiness
SlowDancer 23 Nov, 2017 @ 8:56am 
Cool guide. Would you have any recommendation for Happiness? I've go a bunch of manors in yellows despite having a lot of things around, and all the needs are checked when I click on them.
Uraeust 9 Sep, 2017 @ 9:44am 
Please tell me if you learn anything about it.
-lizitiss-  [author] 9 Sep, 2017 @ 9:38am 
@Uraseus As far as im aware of, no. But they guys in the Kingdoms and Castles discord know more than me, so I probably go ask them.