S. Cannon   Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States
The best part about playing Plague Inc: Evolved is that feeling you get of performing a Community Service for the rest of the Universe each time you eliminate all of those pesky humans!:steamsalty:
Pyroflamer 4 Aug, 2020 @ 11:39am 
You're guide on Patient Zero was extremely helpful, thank you for your hard work! :ImpThumbsUp:
elpfan77 27 Jul, 2016 @ 3:40am 
Agnès, welcome from Uruguay! Thank you for being here.:steamhappy: I'm glad my guide was able to help you out - you're blazing through Plague like a wildfire! And yes, I know EXACTLY what it feels like to want to wipe everybody off the whole planet some days! LOL! :deaths:
Inés 26 Jul, 2016 @ 4:21pm 
I will follow for now on :K I love this game, but sometimes it's like you wanna kill the entire world for real hahahahha thanks again for the guide! :steamhappy:
elpfan77 12 Jun, 2016 @ 8:43pm 
rjdimo 12 Jun, 2016 @ 8:39pm 
hello to you, my friend
elpfan77 29 May, 2016 @ 7:56am 
I wanted to annoounce my newest (ok, so it's my second) Plague Inc, Evolved Guide, published early this morning. Normally I wouldn't toot my own horn, but for those of you who just can't seem to get that "Patient Zero" acheivement? Well...I've figured it out, and if you follow my guide exactly then you WILL get the achievement! No random popup - it will happen! Oh, and as a bonus, "Touchscreen Trash" can also be gotten in the same game! Check it out! http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=691917352